He whispered a really good one in her ear.

Her eyes widened, and she climaxed beneath his hand.

Even though he was so hard he ached, he laughed because he was the only person in the world who knew her secret.

Kristy Brown Bonner was easy.

She calmed, but he was ready to explode. He longed to bury himself inside her, but, at the very last moment, he remembered something he'd forgotten to discuss in their hurried session of premarital counseling. He stroked her hair and noticed his hand was shaking from the effort it took to restrain himself. "Are we worried about getting you pregnant?"

"I don't think so." She regarded him searchingly. "Are we?"

He settled his weight between her thighs, kissed her, and thought of the babies they'd have. "No, we're definitely not."

She was tight and new and wet. He tried to take his time entering her, but she would have none of it. "Now, Eth… Please stop messing around. Oh, please… I want to remember this forever."

He drove home, and, as he fully possessed her, he gazed down into her eyes. They were filled with tears of love.

His own vision blurred, and the depth of his love for this woman brought the ancient words of that first couple to his mind. "Flesh of my flesh," he whispered. "Bone of my bone."

She caressed his hips with her palms and whispered back, "Flesh of my flesh. Bone of my bone."

They smiled. Their tears mingled. And when they came together, both of them knew that only God could have designed something so perfect.

Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Don't get too close, Chip."

"What are you doin'?"

Gabe gritted his teeth. "I'm tearing off the porch so I can build a deck here."

It was Saturday afternoon, and Gabe was supposed to be watching Chip. It was the first time Rachel had left him alone with the kid, but he knew she wouldn't have done it if she hadn't needed to run some mysterious errand in town. Gabe suspected that she was glad to find an excuse to get away from him. Ever since she'd made her announcement that she was leaving, she'd done her best to keep her distance.

He rammed the crowbar underneath one of the old rotted boards and shoved down on it. He was furious with her. Just because she couldn't have everything the way she wanted, she was deserting him. Deserting them! He'd thought she was tough, but she wasn't tough enough for this. Instead of sticking it out and trying to solve their problems, she was running.

"What's a deck?"

He regarded the child impatiently. Just as he'd gotten into the physically satisfying work of tearing off the back porch, Chip had abandoned the hole he was digging in the garden and come over to bother him.

"It'll be like the place where we ate outside when we went to Rosie's house last Saturday. Now step back so you don't get hurt."

"Why are you doing it?"

"Because I want to." He wasn't going to tell the kid he'd started the project because there wasn't much left to do at the drive-in these days, and he had to keep himself from going crazy.

Just walking into that ticket booth last night had dragged him down. It was only his second weekend in business, and he already hated every minute of it. He could have killed some time with Ethan if his brother hadn't taken off yesterday for a conference in Knoxville, and Cal was all wrapped up with his family, so Gabe had decided to keep himself busy by building this deck.

He told himself it would be a nice place for his parents and brothers to gather for summer cookouts. Legally, it was his mother's cottage, but since she and his father were still in South America doing their missionary work, he couldn't talk to her about his plan. She wouldn't mind, though. Nobody minded what he did, except for Rachel. She was the only one who ever criticized him.

She was going to leave after this weekend. He didn't know exactly when. He hadn't asked.

What the hell did she want from him? He'd done everything he could to help her. He'd even offered to marry her! Didn't she understand how hard that had been for him?

"Can I help?"

The boy still seemed to think that if he pretended to be Gabe's best friend, his mother would change her mind, but nothing was going to get her to do that. She was too stubborn, too damned pigheaded, and she thought everything was so simple, that he could just return to being a vet because she wanted him to. But it didn't work that way. That was the past, and he couldn't go back to it.