“He didn’t even take Ethan into his confidence?”
Jane shook her head. “Last Friday Ethan saw me… Well, he figured out that I was pregnant, but Cal swore him to secrecy until he could tell you himself.”
Lynn’s eyes narrowed. “There’s more. This doesn’t explain your hostility to us.”
Jane’s clasped hands cramped in her lap, and once again she had to force herself to meet Lynn’s gaze. “I told you that I’d already agreed to a divorce as soon as the baby was born. You’d recently lost one daughter-in-law you cared about, and it seemed cruel to let you get attached to another. Not that you necessarily would have,” she said hastily. “I know I’m not what you had in mind for Cal. But, still, it wouldn’t have been right for me to barge into your family when I wasn’t planning on staying.”
“So you decided to behave as badly as possible.”
“It—it seemed like the kindest thing to do.”
“I see.” Her expression gave away little, and Jane realized she was once again confronting the self-possessed woman she’d first met. She regarded Jane through steady blue eyes. “What were your feelings toward Cal?”
Jane hesitated, then skittered around the truth. “Guilt. I’ve done him a terrible wrong.”
“People said I tricked Jim into getting me pregnant, but it wasn’t true.”
“You were fifteen, Lynn. I’m thirty-four. I knew exactly what I was doing.”
“And now you’re compounding that wrong by running out on him.”
After everything she’d revealed, she would have expected her mother-in-law to be glad to be rid of her. “He’s not… He’s not ready for a permanent marriage, so it doesn’t make much difference when I leave. Something came up, and I have to get back to my job. It’s better this way.”
“If it’s better, why were you crying your eyes out?”
She felt her nostrils quiver and knew she was once again on the verge of losing control. “Don’t push this, Lynn. Please.”
“You’ve fallen in love with him, haven’t you?”
She lurched to her feet. “I have to go. I promise you can have as much contact with this child as you want. I’d never try to keep your grandchild away from you.”
“Do you mean that?”
“Of course.”
“You won’t try to keep the baby from us?”
“All right, I’m going to hold you to it.” She stood. “Starting now.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’d like my contact with my grandchild to start now.” Her softly pitched voice belied the stubborn set of her mouth. “I don’t want you to leave Salvation.”
“I have to.”
“So you’re already breaking your word?”
Her agitation grew. “The baby’s not born yet? What do you want from me?”
“I want to know who you are. Since the day we met, you’ve thrown up so many smoke screens I have no idea.”
“You already know I tricked your son in the most underhanded, dishonest way possible. Isn’t that enough?”
“It should be, but somehow it’s not. I have no idea what Cal’s feelings are toward you except that he’s been happier than I can remember in a long time. And I also have to ask myself why Annie’s so taken with you. My mother’s difficult, but she’s no fool. So what has she seen that I haven’t?”
Jane rubbed her arms. “What you want is impossible. I won’t go back to Cal.”