“Please. Couldn’t we just go to your bedroom?”
She loosened her hands, and he slowly released her breasts. “You really want this bad, don’t you, Rosebud?”
She nodded.
He gazed at her, and his warrior’s eyes revealed none of his thoughts.
“I’m bought and paid for,” she reminded him.
“That’s right. You are.” He seemed to be mulling it over. She waited patiently, giving his sluggish brain all the time it needed to work.
“Why don’t you just go back to your employer and say we did the dirty.”
“I have a very transparent face. It would immediately be apparent that I was lying.”
“There doesn’t seem to be any other way out of this, then, does there?”
Her hopes began to soar. “I’m afraid not.”
“All right, Rosebud; you win. I guess we’d better head on upstairs.” He slipped his index finger under the pink ribbon. “You sure you didn’t bring any handcuffs with you?”
She felt her throat move against his finger as she swallowed. “I’m sure.”
“Let’s get it over with, then.”
He tugged on the ribbon as if it were a dog collar. Her heart thudded as he led her out into the foyer and up the carpeted steps without releasing her. The side of her body brushed against his. She tried to move away, but he held her captive.
As they climbed the stairs, she regarded him through the corners of her eyes with apprehension. She knew it was only her imagination, but he seemed to have grown taller and bigger. Her gaze swept from his chest to his hips, and her eyes widened. Unless she was mistaken, he wasn’t quite as detached as he seemed. Beneath those jeans he seemed to be fully aroused.
“In here, Rosebud.”
She stumbled as he drew her through the doorway into the master bedroom, still trying to figure out how someone as inept as she had managed to excite him. She reminded herself that she was female, and he had a caveman mentality. In his drunken state, he must have decided that any woman would do. She should be grateful he was dragging her into his cave by the ribbon instead of her hair.
He flipped a switch. Recessed lighting illuminated a king-size bed made up with blankets, but no comforter. It sat opposite a wall that held a row of windows covered with plantation shutters. There was a chest of drawers, a comfortable chair, a set of bedside tables, but very little clutter.
He released her ribbon and turned away to shut the door. She gulped as he twisted the lock. “What are you doing?”
“Some of my buddies have the key to this place. I’m guessin’ you’d just as soon we didn’t have any company. ’Course if I’m wrong…”
“No, no. You’re not wrong.”
“You sure? Some PSSs specialize in groups.”
“SPPs. And those are level threes. I’m only a level one. Could we turn out the lights, please?”
“How am I going to see you if we do that?”
“There’s quite a bit of moonlight coming in through those shutters. I’m certain you’ll be able to see just fine. And it’ll be more mysterious that way.”
Without waiting for permission, she made a dash for the light switch and flicked it off. The room was immediately bathed in the wide bars of moonlight slipping through the shutters.
He walked over to the bed and turned his back to her. She watched him draw his knit polo shirt over his head. The muscles of his shoulders rippled as he tossed it aside. “You can put your clothes on that chair there.”
Her knees trembled as she walked toward the chair he had indicated. Now that the moment of reckoning had come, she was nearly paralyzed with a fear that even narcotics couldn’t quite overcome. It had been one thing to plan this encounter in the abstract, but it was quite another to face the reality of having sex with a stranger. “Maybe you’d like to talk a bit first. Get to know each other a little better.”
“I lost interest in talking when we walked through that bedroom door.”
“I see.”