"Phoebe, when you were standing on the sidelines at the game, you looked like you were going to faint whenever anybody took a hard hit. Besides, you just don't have the killer instinct." He turned to flip the sandwiches. "For example—correct me if I'm wrong here—but I'm guessing it's more than a fickle appetite that made you turn down Viktor's barbecue that day we ate in your kitchen, not to mention that good sandwich meat I've got in my refrigerator."

This man definitely saw too much. "All those nitrates aren't healthy."

"Uh-huh. Come on, sweetheart, you can tell Papa Dan your ugly little secret. You're a vegetarian, aren't you."

"Lots of people don't eat meat," she said defensively.

"Yeah, but most of them are on their soapbox about it. You don't say a thing."

"It's nobody's business. I simply happen to like unclogged arteries, that's all."

"Now, Phoebe, you're wiggling around the truth again. I have a feeling your eating habits don't have anything to do with your arteries."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Tell me the truth now."

"All right! I like animals. It's not a crime! Even when I was a child I couldn't stand th

e idea of eating one of them."

"Why are you so secretive about it?"

"I don't mean to be secretive. It's just—I'm not philosophically pure. I won't wear fur, but I have a closet full of leather shoes and belts, and I hate all those hair-splitting discussions people try to push you into. Some of my reticence is habit, I guess. The housemother at my old boarding school used to make it rough on me."

"How was that?"

"We once had a showdown over a pork chop when I was eleven years old. I ended up sitting at the dinner table most of the night."

"Thinking about Piglet, I bet."

"How did you know?"

"It's pretty obvious you're a big A.A. Milne fan, honey." His eyes were warm with amusement. "Go on. What happened?"

"The housemother eventually called Bert. He yelled at me, but I couldn't eat it. After that, the other girls came to my rescue. They took turns sneaking my meat onto their plates."

"That doesn't entirely explain why you're so secretive about it now."

"Most people think vegetarianism is a little kooky, and my kook quotient is high enough as it is."

"I don't think I ever met anybody other than football players who invests so much energy in pretending to be tough."

"I am tough."

"Sure you are."

His grin annoyed her. "Just because I wasn't strong enough to fight you off tonight doesn't mean I'm not tough."

He immediately looked so stricken that she wished she'd held her tongue.

"I'm really sorry about that. I've never hurt a woman in my life. Well, except for Valerie, but that was—"

"I don't want to hear it."

He turned off the heat under the skillet and walked over to the table. "I've explained what happened, and I've apologized every way I know how. Will you accept my honest apology, or is this going to be lurking around every time we're together?"

His eyes were so full of concern she had a nearly uncontrollable urge to slip into his arms and ask him if he would just hold her for a few minutes. "I accept your apology."