“Am I?”

“Yes, you are. And you should feel relaxed. This place is safe and most of the bad guys have been arrested. We’re only staying here to give the FBI time to finalize things. Right?”

“Yes, but forgive me for having my doubts that they will.”

Roland had reason not to fully trust the Bureau, considering all the mistakes they’d made so far. However, she wanted to believe that eventually, the good guys would win. She had to believe that. She needed her faith in people restored. Deciding to take his mind off things, even if just for just a little while, she began lathering his body again.

“Was I that filthy?” he asked in a throaty voice.

“I just love touching you whenever I can. So please indulge me.”

“Sweetheart, I’ll indulge you in whatever you want to do.”

She loved it whenever he used a term of endearment for her. It filled her with hope. It shouldn’t, but it did.

“Are you trying to kill me, Lennox?”

His words made her realize just how she was touching him--especially on that part of him she loved the most. The part that gave her so much pleasure. “Of course not. I just want to pleasure you, Roland.”

• • •

Roland had news for her. If she pleasured him anymore he wouldn’t live to tell the tale. He loved having her hands on him, but a man had his limits. Then again, maybe he didn’t. God knows he’d been bone-tired the last couple of days, but that hadn’t stopped him from making love to her.

Even during the times she’d taken over the driving and he’d slept, he’d thought about her. A lot of times when she thought he was sleeping, he hadn’t been. Out of the slit of his eyes, he’d watched her, thought about making love to her, tasting her, riding her and letting her ride him. Those thoughts had made him think back to those days when it had stormed and they’d spent most of their time in bed. There was nothing like making love while it rained. Even after the weather cleared, they’d still found excuses to stay in bed.

“Now to rinse you off.”

Her words intruded on his thoughts. “So, it’s time for me to wash you again too then?” he asked.

Roland soaped up his hands and began lathering her, becoming more aroused with every sigh she let out. His hands glided up and down her legs, then using the hand-held sprayer, he rinsed her off.

Putting aside the hose, he got down to his knees in front of her. His mouth was watering for the taste of herand had been for days. How was he going to walk away from her when they eventually returned to Charlottesville? He didn’t know. All he knew was that he would.

But right now, he wanted her.

His hands closed around her hips to hold her steady and then he leaned in. When his tongue slid inside of her, her moans goaded him into going deeper, faster. And then, when her scent filled his nostrils, he felt his control slipping. But it was the taste of her on his tongue that nearly drove him insane.

He licked her like this would be the last time. He wished he could push the thought from his mind that their time spent here in the treehouse would be all there was for them. But all he could do was make memories that would last.

Roland tore his mouth from inside of her and quickly stood. When he lifted her, she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist. Then he entered her.

He’d never been so happy to hear that she had birth control covered.

The moment he sank into her hot, moist heat, he let out a growl. He had never been so sexually aware of a woman until he met her.


Hearing her call out his name did something to him and he drew in a deep breath, fully aware they were in the shower with water spraying down on them. Damn, he was trying to keep a level head, but the only head he was listening to was the one buried deep inside of her.

He looked into those whiskey-colored eyes that could be his downfall if he let them and watched as the corners ofher mouth curved into a smile. “Take me, Roland, like you mean it.”

He chuckled. “Don’t I always.”

And then he began thrusting hard into her, holding firm to her hips. He was flooded with an all-consuming desire, the kind that could seep into a man’s pores, flood his molecules and make his cells throb. From her moans, he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. And that felt really good.

As he worried about what they’d do when this was all over, a wave of possessiveness hit him, making his insides burn. She stirred something deep inside of him and made him appreciate the fact thathewas the man she wanted. When he felt her lean in and trace the side of his face with the wet tip of her tongue, he felt his erection get harder inside of her.

He met her gaze. It was as hot and needy as his undoubtedly was. When he increased the pace and began thrusting hard and deeper, his body exploded. He could feel her body throb all the way to her womb.