Before he could talk himself out of it, he closed the container to his own food, then stood up and headed toward the bedroom. He knew he’d call himself all kinds of fools and a weakling for giving into the flesh--her flesh. But at that moment, he wanted her more than his next breath.

His hands were shaking as he opened the bedroom door. Glancing around, he saw the clothes littered on the floor--a bra, panties, a tank top and a pair of shorts. Then shifting his gaze upward, he looked at the bed.

Lennox was lying on top of the covers. She still wore her stilettos, but otherwise, she was as naked as she’d said she would be. A part of him wished he could fight this, that he could resist her and all the temptation she offered. He wanted to turn around and walk out the door, but he couldn’t. She’d become his weakness.

Roland tried one last time to make her see reason. “Don’t you know the risk we’re taking if we continue to do this, Lennox? I need to keep my mind focused on keeping you safe.”

She shifted to stretch out on the bed and his gaze shifted right along with her. He couldn’t resist. If only she knew how delectable she looked in that position, wearing those damn shoes--those fuck-me shoes.

“You have kept me safe, Roland, and you will continue to do so. Even if we come up against the bad guys, I have no doubt you will protect me. Making love tonight won’t change anything.”

“But it will. When I’m around you, I forget this is a job.”

She didn’t say anything to that and a part of him wondered if that was what she wanted--for him to forget the true nature of their relationship. If that was the case, she was wasting her time. He’d told her that. But why would she be pushing for this otherwise? Was she trying to prove a point about those damn possibilities that she believed in so strongly?

She broke into his thoughts. “The only job I want you to think about right now is the one I want to do to you. You know, the kind that can blow you away.”

Roland knew just what kind of job she was hinting at and his penis twitched in anticipation. But he still held back, determined to resist temptation. He opened his mouth to tell her just that when she shifted in bed again, exposing the part of her he enjoyed the most. Sweat popped out on his forehead and his erection got harder than it already was.

He moved his gaze from her body and met her gaze. “Are you trying to tempt me, Lennox?” he asked, although he already knew the answer.

She didn’t even bother trying to look innocent. Her gaze was as guilty as sin. “What do you think, Roland?”

With a guttural curse, he made a move to walk out the room, to show her he was not a man to be toyed with, that he wasn’t so easily manipulated. But he couldn’t get his feet to go in that direction. Instead, his feet carried him toward her and that bed.

Did she honestly want to know what he thought? Then he would damn well show her. He thought she should be kissed all over, eaten to his delight and then made love to until neither one of them could move. He thought hernipples should be sucked, licked and devoured until she cried out for mercy.

If he’d thought he’d been all in when they’d made love before, he’d been wrong. This time, when he finished with her, she wouldn’t know where his body began and hers ended.

And that was another reason it made sense that they stayed at this cabin tonight--a place that was miles away from civilization--instead of spending the night at a hotel. Whenever he and Lennox made love, they tended to get rather noisy. They enjoyed their orgasms and didn’t give a fuck who knew it. When one hit, it hit and they let it rip through their vocal cords.

Never had he felt so much earth-shattering, mind-blowing, erection-hardening, deep-in-the-gut passion except when he was inside of her. Over the past few days, they’d shared more orgasms than either of them could count, more than either thought they could deliver and yet, it hadn’t been enough. At his age, he should be getting too old for this, but Lennox proved him wrong, over and over again.

“Well, Roland, what do you think?” she asked again, when he stopped at the foot of the bed.

He pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor to join her clothes. The sun had gone down and the only remaining daylight was coming in through the one small window in the room. That was enough for him to take in the beauty of her features and that succulent body of hers.

“What I think is that you need to worry about whether or not you’ll be able to walk out of here tomorrow on those gorgeous legs after I finish with you tonight.”

ASMILE CURVED LENNOX’Slip. Maybe Roland’s words didn’t scare her any. “Hey, I don’t mind if you have to carry me out to the Jeep in the morning. And since you won’t let me share in the driving, I’ll just sleep until you stop for food and potty breaks. I’m good. So carry on.”

She saw the frown in his eyes, the one that let her know he hadn’t particularly liked her flippant response. She couldn’t wait to soothe his ruffled feathers…along with a few other things.

He didn’t say anything, but slowly eased down his zipper and she held her breath. Anticipation was clawing at her and she licked her lips, knowing it would get him even harder. She’d meant everything she’d said about giving him a blow job. Italian food had nothing on him.

“I promise to go easy on you, Roland,” she said. And she meant it. She had slept most of the day while he’d done all the driving, which was why she had so much energy now. She would do her best not to wear him out too much tonight.

“Youwill go easy onme?” he asked, sliding his jeans down his legs and grinning, as if the thought of what she’d said amused him.

“I promise,” she said, watching as he eased down his boxers. Seeing him naked was such a turn-on for her, escalating her need for him and making her sex weep.

Roland Summers was all man—her man, at least for now. His body was perfect, with muscular shoulders, flawless abs, a broad chest and sinewy thighs. But right now, her attention was on his erect manhood, surrounded by a thatch of thick, curly hair. Just seeing it propelled her to do something she had never done before--take control in the bedroom. Would she? Could she?

He leaned toward her on the bed. “You’re extremely wet, Lennox.”

Yes, she was and wondered how he knew. As if he could read her mind, he said, “You’re glistening.”

Reaching out, he touched the area between her legs and she drew in a sharp breath when she felt his fingers slide inside her. Then he slowly and meticulously began stroking her clit. She was already hot and what he was doing was making her hotter.