“And then some,” Rylee said, grabbing her coffee cup and sliding into a kitchen chair.


“And he was the perfect gentleman, there and back. But then…”

“But then what?” Sheryl asked.

“Then when he walked me to the door, he told me something.”


Rylee took a sip of coffee. “Before I tell you what he said, I need to tell you what prompted his words.”


That was Sheryl for you. She was always ready to listen. Rylee proceeded to tell her friend about the conversation she and Frazier Connelly had shared on her way home. How she’d told him that she didn’t date because she hadn’t met anyone who held her interest.

“What did he say to that?”

“Nothing at first. But when he walked me to the door, he told me that he wants a chance to be the man who will hold my interest.”

“Hot damn. I like Frazier Connelly’s attitude.”

Rylee rolled her eyes. Like Ireland, Sheryl had been pushing her to consider dating—real dating, not group dating—for years. But she hadn’t been ready.

Was she ready now?


Rylee lifted a brow. “Well, what?”

“Does Frazier Connelly interest you?”

Rylee released a deep breath. “Honestly, Sheryl…yes, he does. But I am out of that man’s league. He’s a billionaire, he dates models, he drives expensive cars when he’s not being chauffeured around. He’s--”

“Obviously interested in you.”

Rylee nibbled on her bottom lip. “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Come on. Why else would he say such a thing?”

“Who knows? Probably because I’m a novelty to him? We’re nothing alike. But…” She paused, and took a deep breath. “I do know that he likes one thing about me—my alias, Electra. He admitted that he enjoys listening to her narration of books.”

“That’s a start.”

“No, it’s not. He doesn’t know I’m Electra and I intend to keep it that way, Sheryl.” She glanced at her watch. “I need to get dressed. I suddenly find myself in need of shopping therapy and the malls close early on Sundays.”

“Before you go, will you let me give you some advice?”


“You’re a beautiful woman, Ry. That’s why Frazier Connelly is interested in you. Do you feel threatened at all because he’s your boss?”

“No. He was a perfect gentleman the entire evening.”

“Then let me ask you this. Do you have a problem dating your boss? There could be office gossip.”

Rylee thought about Sheryl’s question. A relationship with Frazier would definitely cause office gossip, although she considered such a thing petty and unprofessional. Did she care?