“Are your parents still living?” That information was not in her employment records.

“Yes. They retired and moved to Florida. Mom says she likes the warmer weather. Dad likes all the golf courses.”

“Have they been there long?”

“Close to twenty years now. They moved away not long after I got married.”


“I was. But I’ve been divorced for ten years.”

He couldn’t help wondering why the marriage had ended. What kind of fool let a woman like Rylee go? “Any children?”

He could see the smile that spread across her face. “Yes. I have a daughter named Ireland. She’s in her last year of college at the University of Michigan. She’s graduating in December.”

“Ireland? That’s a unique name.”

“My mother-in-law named her after her favorite place in all the world. That’s where she and my father-in-law went on their honeymoon.”

He heard the fondness in her voice when she spoke of her in-laws. “I take it you’re close to them. Your in-laws?”

“Yes, definitely. They are the best.”

He nodded. “Does that mean you’re still on good terms with your ex-husband?”

“No, not at all. My in-laws aren’t even on good terms with him most of the time.” Then, as if realizing who she was talking to, she glanced out the window again.

Frazier found what she’d said interesting. The parents of her ex had taken sides—and they hadn’t chosen their son. The old Frazier Connelly would have frowned at such a thing. After all, he had followed his mother’s lead,supporting her blindly when she’d discovered the existence of her husband’s illegitimate son.

Instead of staying neutral or applying some good critical thinking, as Murdock had, as to the reason his father might have been unfaithful in the first place, he had supported his mother’s vendetta against Roland without a second thought.

Reading his father’s journal later had given him a whole new perspective on life, love and marriage. Whereas before, he would have been open to the idea of a loveless marriage, one of convenience, now he knew that kind of arrangement wouldn’t work for him. He’d seen the consequences of a loveless marriage first-hand, from his parents. And he didn’t want that. Not ever.

Thanks to Margo and Striker, he’d witnessed what a marriage based on love could be like. And he’d seen the same thing with Murdock and Karlis. However, at his age, the likelihood of him ever finding that was slim. The only kind of relationship he wanted from a woman was one based on desire, need and respect. That would be enough for him.

But even that was hard to find lately. All his affairs had become so very boring. He wasn’t sure why he believed an affair with Rylee would shake things up, but he had a feeling it would. It had been a while since he’d had any excitement in his life and he was willing to take his time and see how things went. His stomach was already humming with anticipation. And besides, she was so darn desirable.

When he heard Morris grumble under his breath, he took a better look out the front window. A group of reporters had gathered in front of the building and they had theircameras ready. “Who the hell tipped them off that I would be here tonight?” Frazier muttered.

He glanced over at Rylee. “Unfortunately, the paparazzi is out tonight. I hope you don’t mind a few pictures?” He could tell from the expression she was trying to hide that she did, but that she didn’t have much choice but to tolerate it.

“Hopefully, it won’t be so bad,” she said, tugging down the hem of her dress. His gaze followed the movement and since they were now getting the benefits of the bright lights surrounding the auditorium, he was seeing what he hadn’t seen in the dark--the way the dress had climbed up her thighs, as well as the way it cradled her breasts.

Frazier didn’t want those damn reporters to put Rylee on the spot and intended to make sure they didn’t. Although he wanted something to develop between them, he wasn’t ready for the press to get wind of it. They wouldn’t hesitate to spin their own story, making it appear he was having some type of sleazy affair with one of his employees.

When Morris opened the car door, he slid out and offered Rylee his hand. The moment she alighted from the vehicle, the cameras began flashing. He thought she looked even more beautiful in the beaming lights. From the looks several photographers were giving her, evidently they thought the same thing.

“Mr. Connelly, do we get an introduction to your date?” one of the reporters asked.

Although he was tempted to give a smart-ass retort, he simply said, “This is Rylee Danville, Connelly Enterprises’ ambassador for tonight’s event.”

There. He’d established a non-personal relationship between them and hoped, in the process, that he’d squashed any notion that he and Rylee were romantically involved.

“Are you saying she’s not your newest love interest?” another reporter asked for clarification.

He fought back from saying he wouldn’t say that, but instead answered, “Yes, that’s correct.”

“She’s your employee?” a third reporter asked.