She glanced out the window. It was no longer storming outside but the sky was still cloudy. Chances were, it would rain again. As if she’d willed it, drops of rain suddenly began splattering against the window.

She smiled when Roland placed another kiss on her lips. “Good morning, Roland.”

Instead of returning the greeting, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss that awakened all her senses. She couldn’t help but moan, relishing in just how being with Roland was making her feel. Her entire body tingled in anticipation, knowing what it was in for.

Roland finally released her mouth and she sighed in satisfaction. “Good morning to you, too, Lennox.”

She loved the way he kissed. To be quite frank, she loved the way he did everything. Yesterday had definitely opened her eyes to the ways a couple could pleasure each other. She had finally seen what real passion in the bedroom looked like. Just remembering their night together causes a pleasurable ache to settle between her legs.

After that first time, they’d dozed off to sleep for a little while, awakening a few hours later to discover that the storm still raged outside. Since they’d slept through lunch, they had gone down to the kitchen to prepare soup and sandwiches for dinner. After eating, they had rushed back upstairs to the bedroom where they made love again. And again. And again.

She’d never made love so many times in one day. And since she hadn’t been with anyone since DeWalt, some of body parts were feeling it. And speaking of body parts…

She couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Roland’s body…and what he could do with it. Those shoulders she had dug her fingernails into, while in the throes of an orgasm, were strong and sturdy. And that hair-roughened chest, that had rubbed against hers with every thrust he made into her body, had felt immaculately sculpted.

Though, at some point, he had removed her stilettos, she had to admit she’d loved locking those heels around his waist and back. At one time, she’d even had her legs around his shoulders.

She’d never enjoyed making love as much as she had yesterday. Since they hadn’t been able to go outside and enjoy the beach because of a storm, they’d had no optionbut to stay inside and be naughty.Yeah, right. Now, with the dawning of a new day, she was reminded of where they were and why.

“Why such a gloomy look?” he asked, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

She reached up and cupped his bearded chin in her hand. She was getting used to seeing him with a thicker beard and liked the look. “Yesterday, I managed to forget the reason we’re here. But it’s Saturday morning now and I remember.”

He leaned in and licked around her lips. “I don’t have any problem with helping you forget again, Lennox. At least for today.”

That brought a smile to her lips. “I don’t know, Roland. You could become habit-forming.” She then decided to toss in, “Then again, so could I.”

He stopped licking her lips and looked down at her, a serious expression on his face. “I don’t think so.”

Not wanting to stir up trouble, she decided to let it go. “You know, I’ve never had sex in the morning. Want to try?”

He arched a thick brow. “Seriously? You’ve never done it in the morning?”

She shook her head. “DeWalt and I only made love at night.”

He stared at her, searching her face as if he thought she was joking. When he saw she wasn’t, he asked, “Was there a reason the timing of your lovemaking was so regulated?”

“We were too busy with other things. There was no time for it, other than at night.”

The look on his face told her he still didn’t get it. “What’s wrong with enjoying each other whenever the mood hits?”he asked, already reaching to grab a condom off the nightstand.

“That’s when the mood would hit--at bedtime. It was always that way for us, even when we were back in college.” Like she’d done yesterday, she watched in fascination as he sheathed himself in a condom.

When he finished, he stared at her for a long moment, then said, “Just for the record, Lennox, I’ll make love to you any time of the day or night, as long as we’re in a safe environment.”

“Are we in a safe one now?” She’d noticed that he’d received several calls and text messages yesterday. Maybe he’d let his guard down because of the storm. A person would have to be crazy to come out in that weather.

As if he’d read her mind, he said, “Byron is keeping watch.”


“Yes. He’s been here since yesterday, before the weather hit and is occupying the empty gardener’s cottage down by the road.” He grinned. “So you don’t have to worry about whether or not he heard your screams.”

She threw her hand over her mouth, feeling embarrassed. Roland reached out to remove her hand, then replaced it with his mouth.

After a few wonderful moments, he broke off the kiss, then lowered his body down and, easing her legs apart, buried his head between them. He didn’t waste any time capturing her clit and after a few flicks of his tongue and a couple of hard sucks, he had her screaming and bucking hard against his mouth as an orgasm consumed her. Heheld tight to her hips while his mouth savored her, as if she was the best thing he’d ever eaten.

It was only when she lay limp, unable to move, that he finally let go and eased up her body, licking his lips. When he leaned in and kissed her, she could taste herself on his tongue.