He walked over to the window and glanced out, studying the sky. God, he hoped Roland took care of himself. They were both getting too old for this.

Glancing at his watch, he noticed it was close to the end of the day. Usually, he would stay after-hours to work on things, but not tonight. His mind wouldn’t settle.

Frazier was about to go back to his desk when he saw her walking across the parking lot. Even fifteen stories up, he recognized her.

Rylee Danville.

She had stayed in his office a good hour walking him through the new software program. And it had been one long torturous hour. Even now, her jasmine scent still lingered.

As her employer, he’d kept things professional. But as a man with wants and needs, he’d noticed every single thing about her. Not only her scent, but her curly hair that teased his cheek, and the smoothness of her hands as she moved his mouse around to navigate his computer. And finally, there was her voice, that was so different, yet so familiar.

All their conversations had been business related, yet there were certain words she said, their pronunciation, that reminded him of someone. At the moment, though, he couldn’t figure out who.

He watched her get into her car, a two-door classy Lexus that suited her. It was black. For some reason, he thought a red car would complement her more. It signified hotness.

Frazier realized there was a lot about her he didn’t know. She hadn’t been wearing a wedding ring. Did that mean she was single? Was there a significant other in herlife? He couldn’t imagine a woman who looked like her not being in a serious relationship.

Once she drove off, he moved away from the window and went back to his desk. He wanted to know more about Rylee Danville, if only to appease his curiosity. He shook his head. Who was he fooling? He had been thoroughly taken with her today and it hadn’t been because of her intelligence or expertise. It was because she was a desirable woman.

Making a decision, he pressed the buzzer on his desk knowing Mattie hadn’t left yet. “Yes, Mr. Connelly?”

“When I come into the office tomorrow, I want to see Rylee Danville’s employment file in my inbox.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line and he knew why. The only times he ever reviewed an employee’s file was when they were recommended for a promotion…or a termination.

“I will make certain it’s there, Mr. Connelly, and…”

He nearly groaned. Mattie loved speculating. There were times when he wondered why he even kept her around, but he knew. Although, she often acted like she didn’t value her job--saying things she shouldn’t, sticking her nose into his business--she knew he valued her. In fact, she often reminded him that he couldn’t run this place without her. And she was right.

“What, Mattie?”

“I’m glad you noticed.”

He wouldn’t confirm her suspicions by asking her to elaborate. Instead, he said, “Just make sure I have the file.”

“Yes, sir. In fact, I’ll make sure you have it before you leave, just in case you’d prefer to review it in the privacy of your home tonight.”

Frazier didn’t appreciate the cheerfulness he heard in her voice. “Tell me again when you plan to retire.”

She chuckled. “Not until you do. Have a nice evening, Mr. Connelly.”

“WHERE WILL WE STAYtonight?” Lennox asked.

She and Roland had been on the road now for quite a few hours. She had offered to take turns with the driving, but he’d refused. It was just as well. She didn’t have a clue where they were going. The only thing she could tell from the signs she’d seen was that they were leaving Virginia and heading toward Pennsylvania.

“We’re staying at a lodge not far from here. We should be there in less than an hour. My network team has things all set up.”

She arched a brow.His network team? “Things like what?”

“Dinner. You have to be getting hungry. I know I am.”

Lennox was, but she didn’t want to complain. They had gone through the take-out lane at a hamburger place for lunch, several hours earlier. And they’d had perfect privacy—Roland had taken the SUV through a fully automated car-wash to get a twenty-minute double deluxe. He’d felt it wouldn’t be safe for them to sit out in an open parking lot.

She’d never gone through a car wash with a man and hadn’t realized just how intimate it could be. Once they’d driven into the bay, automatic washing equipment had begun moving all around the SUV, surrounding the vehicle. It felt as if they were slowly gliding under a waterfall. The interior of the vehicle had grown dark and intimate, which prompted them to use the lights from their cell phones to eat by. Because they hadn’t had much time, they didn’t make conversation.

Lennox had glanced up at Roland a few times and caught him staring at her. She recognized the heated lust she saw in his eyes. And she was adult enough to know he probably saw the same look in hers. When the car wash was finished, they had wasted no time in getting back on the road.

“That’s the second time you mentioned something about your network. Who are they?”