“It’s not.” He pulled into the back of a store building that he knew had been closed for quite some time. There, he saw the three men already waiting, standing by two vehicles and a SUV.

“Then why are you backing out?’”

“I’m not. But I’m not assigning any of my men as your bodyguard…because I’m the one who’s going to be your protector.”

Ignoring the surprised look on her face, he added, “Stay in here for a minute. I’ll let you know when it’s safe.” Then he opened the car door and got out.

• • •

Lennox’s stomach had dropped with Roland’s words.

He can’t do that. I won’t let him.Hasn’t he risked enough already?

She leaned forward in her seat and watched him cross the parking lot to where Stonewall, Quasar and Striker were standing. Why did Roland have to have such a ruggedly sexy walk? But then, it went with all the rest of him, even that handsome face.

The three men were wearing serious expressions; however, Roland appeared almost calm, almost placid. Nobody looking at him would have guessed that just minutes ago, he had been dodging bullets and driving like a bat out of hell, trying to keep her alive. She wasn’t a cat with ninelives and at the rate things were going, sooner or later the bad guys would…

Lennox drew in a sharp breath. The last thing she wanted was for anything to happen to Roland because of her. She continued watching the four men out the windshield. From the glances they sent her way, she knew they were talking about her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t read lips, so she had no clue just what they were saying.

Roland motioned for her to get out the car and join them. She was about to do as he asked, when she noticed the key he’d left in the ignition. An idea popped into her head. If she took off in his car, he couldn’t protect her. And that would mean he’d be safe.

Roland looked at her, obviously wondering what was taking her so long. Then, as if to find out for himself, he began walking back toward her. That’s when she slid across the seat and settled behind the steering wheel, moving his guns to the floor in the process. When he was about ten feet from the car, she turned the key to start the ignition, then, without another thought, quickly backed up and drove off.

She glanced at the rearview mirror--Roland was just standing there, not even attempting to give chase. Was he going to just let her go? He was probably glad she’d taken matters into her own hands and…

All of a sudden, the car slowed its speed and made a smooth U-turn, as if it had a mind of its own, although her hands were fully planted on the steering wheel.

What in the world!

She had no control on what the car did. Nothing worked--not the brake pedal or the accelerator. Instead, the car kept moving, coming to a stop within five feet of where Roland stood.

With an unreadable expression on his face, he walked over to her. “Going somewhere, Lennox?”

She frowned. He didn’t sound mad. In fact, he appeared slightly amused. She wasn’t. “How did you do that, Roland?”

He held up his fob. “Thanks to Dak’s ingenious technology, my car is programmed to follow my voice command.”

She knew that Mellie’s husband, the wealthy businessman Dak Navarro, was the CEO of Navarro Technologies Incorporated, an electrical and mechanical engineering firm that specialized in advanced technology. His company had a reputation for creating high-tech security devices for government use, as well as some for the private sector.

“Now, I’m going to ask you again, Lennox. Where were you going?”

She gnawed on her bottom lip, then shrugged. “I’d decided I don’t want you protecting me.”


She broke eye contact to look ahead. She saw Stonewall, Quasar and Striker passing their phones around. From the proud expressions on their faces, she suspected they were sharing photos of their sons.

Seeing where her attention had strayed to, Roland said, “What can I say? They’re proud Papas. But now, let’s get back to the matter at hand. Why don’t you want me to protect you?”

She drew in a deep breath and looked Roland in the eye. “You’ve come close to taking a bullet for me twice now. I don’t want that to happen a third time. I couldn’t live with myself if you were ever hurt because of me.”

• ••

Knowing Lennox was concerned for his welfare was heartwarming, even if unnecessary. But he understood where she was coming from—he’d been there when Warner and DuBose had tried to put the fear of God into her, explaining what could happen if she refused to give them that box. And then, less than an hour later, she’d seen firsthand just how desperate someone was to take her out. Hell, it took someone pretty damn brazen to stage an ambush in broad daylight while pretending to be cops.

Roland still felt the effects of an adrenaline rush. He’d had more action in the last twenty-four hours than he’d had in at least eight years. Not since the time he’d been shot. And even then, he’d let his guard down and had been caught unawares. This time he wouldn’t be. He would not only be prepared, but he would be waiting....

He studied the woman sitting in his car. She was looking out the windshield, gnawing on her bottom lip--those same lips he’d been so often tempted to taste. He knew then that Lennox had underestimated him. But then, few people knew just what kind of services his company supplied. This situation was nothing new to him, but Lennox didn’t know that. So now, he just needed to convince her.