“What do you mean you’re not going to tell us where the box is?” Agent DuBose said in an indignant voice.

Roland watched Lennox lift her chin. Not like an ornery and petulant child, but like a woman who knew her own mind and recognized bullshit when she saw it. Good for her!

“It’s just as I said, Agent DuBose,” Lennox said. “Thatbox contains DeWalt’s personal effects and no one is going through it but me.”

Roland studied the men’s reaction to Lennox’s words and knew the moment they decided to change their approach. He wasn’t surprised when Special Agent Warner, the most personable of the two, spoke up. “Of course, we understand you wanting to do such a thing, considering the sentiment involved. We will gladly make a private room available here for you to do so. However, time is of the essence. Someone tried to kill you last night, Dr. Roswell. And until they are certain there’s nothing in that box that can incriminate them, they will likely try again.”

Roland shook his head. Now the agent was resulting to scare tactics; deliberately reminding her of last night and hoping that would make her see things their way. He shifted his gaze from Special Agent Warner to Lennox.

“I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Unfortunately, it came a day too late. If I had depended on your agency, I’d be dead right now. So, I will not be rushed into doing anything. Not even in going through that box.”

Special Agent Warner frowned--the first frown Roland had seen on the man’s face all day. He honestly wasn’t certain if it was because Lennox wasn’t playing along with their game or if the agent was genuinely concerned for her safety. Agent Warner had told them that the case was linked to the death of some high-level government official, but he’d refused to say who. Still, just knowing a crime cartel was behind it said a lot. Hell, it could even mean international involvement. These two agents might not be willing to divulge any information, but Roland had ways of finding out what they weren’t saying. And he would.

“You will not only be putting your own life in danger, Dr. Roswell, but the lives of those around you as well,” the agent said, interrupting Roland’s thoughts. “Are you willing to do that?”

Roland watched Lennox break eye contact with Special Agent Warner and glance down at the floor, as if she was giving the man’s words some thought. The room was deathly quiet.

She finally glanced back up and met Special Agent Warner’s gaze. “No. I am not willing to do that.”

Roland saw a semblance of a smile on both agents’ faces. Undoubtedly, they figured they had Lennox just where they wanted her. But that assumption was short-lived when she added, “That’s why I am going away for a while and not telling anyone where I’m headed. I need time to think.”

“Think?” Special Agent DuBose all but roared. “Do you notthinkthe people who want you dead won’t find out where you are? Are you willing to risk your own life like that?”

She glared at the agent. “Evidently, I am because that’s what I intend to do. And since the Bureau claims to care so much about my well-being, I will let your agency provide a decoy, making it look as if I’m someplace else. I’m sure you guys are quite adept at doing something like that, aren’t you?”

“That’s risky, Dr. Roswell,” Special Agent Warner said.

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

The room got quiet again. Then Special Agent DuBose, who Roland thought was showing himself to be an ass, said, “So, you’re willing to place the contents in a box over your own life?”

Roland figured by the man’s question that he’d never lost someone he’d loved or truly cared about. Otherwise, he would not have been so insensitive. Roland fully understood Lennox’s position. All it took was for him to remember how hard it had been to part with Becca’s belongings, her jewelry box in particular. It had contained not only valuable pieces he had purchased for her during their marriage, but also family heirlooms from her parents that had been given to her.

He had been undecided about what to do with them. Becca had been an only child with no other living relatives. So he’d done nothing, keeping the jewelry box in his possession for years. He hadn’t even had the strength or will of mind to go through it.

Until his goddaughter had been born.

Almost four years ago, on the day of Ava Serena Granger’s christening, he had presented the jewelry box to Carson, who’d been his wife’s best friend and the mother of his goddaughter. He’d given it to Carson for safekeeping until The Princess--as Ava was fondly called--was old enough to appreciate its contents.

“Yes, Agent DuBose,” Lennox was now saying. “I am willing to place the contents in that box over my own life.”

She turned to Roland. “I’m ready to leave now. I need to go collect my things and then I’m leaving town for a while.”

“You don’t need to be by yourself, Lennox,” Joy added, finally joining in the conversation.

Lennox released a deep breath and then glanced over at him. Roland felt the intensity of her gaze and lowered his chair to the floor. Then he got up and faced her. He knew what her request would be before she opened her mouth.

“Roland, could I arrange for protection services through your security company?”

“Absolutely,” he replied.

She turned to meet Joy’s worried gaze. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll agree that Roland only employs the best.”

Then Lennox turned back to the two special agents—they both looked utterly discombobulated. “But I’m still depending on your agency to provide a decoy.”

• • •

“Anyone ever told you that you should have been a cop, Lennox?”