“Hi, Sheryl.”

“Hey, kiddo. Are you all packed?”

“I’m packing now.”

“Did you get my gift?”

Rylee rolled her eyes, then glanced at the box Fed-Ex had delivered to her that morning. “Yes, I got it.”

“And what do you think?”

Rylee sat on the side of the bed. “I think you’ve lost your mind.” Sheryl had sent her the sexiest—and most see-through--negligee she’d ever seen.


“There’s no way I’m wearing something like that around Frazier. What part of what I told you about him and I not sharing a bed did you not understand?”

“All of it. You haven’t had sex since before Ireland was born. You need to make sure what you have still works.”

Rylee shook her head. “Technically, this will only be second date with Frazier. Who makes out that soon?”

“Lots of people, including me. I told you how I was inducted into the mile-high club with a guy I met on a plane once. I haven’t seen him since, but it was a great experience.”

Rylee couldn’t help but smile. “You’re terrible. I hope you’re not the reason my daughter called and inquired about birth control.”

“For her?” Sheryl asked.

“No, for me.”

The sound of Sheryl’s laughter could be heard through the phone. “You think that’s funny?” Rylee asked.

“I find it hysterical. But then, you taught Ireland to be independent and go after what she wants. I guess she expects you to do the same.”

Rylee drew in a deep breath. “What makes you think I want Frazier?”

“Don’t you? I even suspect you’re falling in love with him.”

Rylee swallowed a lump in her throat. “Why do you think that?”

“I can tell. We talked right after you got back from the island, remember? You’re smitten. Even more than that, I think you’re in love. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“There is. We just started dating.”

“So? Why are you denying yourself a chance at happiness? You deserve it. And you have nothing holding you back. Ireland is out on her own and you have a man interested in you with the means to wine and dine you just about anywhere. An island in the Bahamas one week and now Canada. Do you know how truly blessed you are?”

Rylee didn’t say anything. Yes, she knew. How many times this week had she pinched herself, just to make sure this situation was real. She and Frazier had talked on the phone every day since he’d been gone. It was as if they had needed the connection. Or had it just been her?

“What if he doesn’t feel the same way?”

“What if he does?”

“I don’t want to rush things, Sheryl. He wants us to build a relationship based on things other than sex.”

“That’s what he told you?”


“That’s good--most men feel the opposite about it. Just remember this, Ry. Regardless of what he says, Frazier Connelly is a man with wants and needs. Obviously, he intends to fight his desires for you until you are ready. What I want to know is…do you want him to fight them?”