“You might have a point,” Frazier finally said, as they began walking again. “I’ve been listening to a lot of Dr. Penny Murphy’s books lately.”

She lifted a surprised brow. “You have?”

“Well, yes. Not that I’m a fan of psychology, mind you. But I love listening to Electra reading them.”

Rylee nearly missed her step. “Are you saying that you listen to books you normally wouldn’t read because you like the person who narrates them?”

“Guilty as charged. I find Electra’s voice to be so calming, I tend to gravitate towards anything she narrates.’ He chuckled, then added, “Including several romance novels.”

“I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before, Frazier.” And it was a little unsettling. Did he know she was Electra?And if he didn’t, how would she tell him now, after what he’d just admitted to her?

“Tell me about your daughter, Rylee.”

Thankful for the change in subject, she launched into her favorite subject--Ireland. She told him that her daughter was the only grandchild on both sides, but that she appreciated that Ireland’s grandparents didn’t spoil her rotten. They’d tried to in the beginning, but Rylee had put her foot down.

She also mentioned how well Ireland was doing in college and that she would graduate in December. She knew she was bragging a bit--she was a very proud mother—but figured he’d understand.

Frazier told her about how he had become Margo’s guardian when her parents were killed in a fire and how challenging it had been for a bachelor to raise a teenager. He laughed and said that Margo kept him on his toes and she still did. She could tell he enjoyed being a great-uncle to Margo’s son, Wade Murdock, and was proud of the life Margo had made with her husband Striker.

They continued walking along the beach and by the time they returned an hour later, she felt like she knew him a little better.

She was also sure he now knew more than he wanted to know about her. Of course, she hadn’t shared her plans to resign from the company at the first of the year with him. Nor could she divulge that she was Electra—especially after his confession. Those things would have to wait until the time was right. If it ever was. While she was enjoying this time with him, she knew Frazier was a bit of a player.She didn’t expect anything to come of this weekend. That wasn’t Frazier Connelly’s style.

After they got back to the house, Frazier suggested that they sit out by the pool and enjoy the breeze off the ocean. “I love it out here,” she said, looking out at the ocean.

“So, do I. There was no doubt in my mind I wanted this place the minute the Realtor showed it to me.”

She sniffed the air. Whatever Baylor was preparing for dinner, it smelled good.

“I think you’ll like it,” he said. “By the way, Goldwyn likes you.”

She glanced over at Frazier and smiled. “And I like him. But then, I’m sure Goldwyn likes all the women you invite to your home.”

Frazier chuckled. “Trust me, he doesn’t. There were even a couple who moved in with me for a while that he outright detested.”

He’d let women move in with him? Had he come close to marrying them?“Why didn’t he like them?”

“He could see through their phoniness.”

“Goldwyn could, but you couldn’t?”

He winked at her. “I could see through it as well.”

“Yet you let them into your home anyway?”

“I didn’t really see them as a threat, since I had no intention of marrying them.”

“Oh, I see.” She could only assume he’d had no intention of falling in love with them, either. Was that his way of letting her know this could only be a fling? And why did it bother her? She wasn’t interested in love or marriage either. She’d been there and done that and had no intention of going that way again.

But still…

That made her wonder what he was expecting from this weekend. Why was she here and what did he want from her? Then again, what did she want from Frazier? Was sex the only thing on his mind? If so, how did she feel about engaging in a meaningless fling? But then, was she ready for a meaningful one?

She couldn’t answer for Frazier, but she knew what she wanted from him, or any man she decided to date. She wanted to enjoy his company. And she wanted to develop a bond with him, based on friendship. If sex was involved, that wouldn’t be a bad thing--if they truly desired each other. But they would have to agree on an exclusive relationship where they wouldn’t share a bed with anyone else.

So, now she knew what she wanted out of a relationship with him. But what would he want from her? And would she be willing to give it to him?

RYLEE WAS QUIET. TOOquiet. Whenever Frazier glanced over across the dinner table at her, she avoided meeting his eyes. Why? Her skittishness had started at some point after their walk on the beach and while they’d been sitting by the pool enjoying the ocean breeze. He had picked up on her withdrawal and when she said she wanted to take a short nap before dinner, he had known for certain that something was bothering her.