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Randi Fuller Patterson suddenly came awake and sat up. Reaching out, she shook her husband. At the touch of her hand on his shoulder, his eyes flew open and when he saw the look on her face, he quickly sat up as well.

“Randi, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Roland, Quasar. I don’t know where he is, but you need to call him immediately.”

He rubbed a hand down his sleepy face. “Why?”

“I just had a visit from Becca. Roland’s location has been compromised. A lot of men are on their way there. He has no more than ten minutes to get out of there.”

Not questioning what his wife had said, Quasar reached for his cell phone off the nightstand. Randi was a psychic investigator who assisted law enforcement and the FBI. She had a proven track record and one of the ways she got her tips, warnings and signs were through dead individuals. If she said she’d received a visit from Roland’s deceased wife, a woman she’d never met, that was good enough for him.

THE SOUND OF THEphone ringing on the nightstand beside the bed woke Roland. Lennox was spread out on top of him.

It didn’t take much for him to recall how and why she was in that position. She had declared last night she would be the one on top, all through the night and he’d been happy to oblige her. After making love a couple of times, they had eaten the rest of their dinner before going back in the bedroom to make love again. They had needed the nourishment.

He reached out and picked up the phone, noticing it was close to two in the morning. The call was coming through Cleo--that meant something was up. “What’s wrong?” he whispered so as not to wake Lennox. He was surprised she was still sleeping.

“Get your ass out of there, Roland,” Quasar all but roared in his ear. “Men are on their way.”

“What the fuck.” Roland jerked straight up in bed. Lennox came awake, eased off him and stared at him withquestioning eyes. “How did that happen?” Roland was already out the bed.

“I’m not certain. Randi woke me up. She had a dream that you were in danger. She says you have less than ten minutes to get out.”

“Got it.” He disconnected the call and glanced over at Lennox. “We need to leave this place. Now.”

Without asking any questions, she quickly got out of bed. Roland was glad neither of them had unpacked and Lennox was putting on her clothes just as fast as he was putting on his.

“Randi had a dream,” he added, knowing that was all he needed to say. Anyone aware of Randi’s gift knew better than to question her psychic abilities.

They had just made it to the Jeep when the fob went off, alerting him that someone was within a four-mile radius of the cabin. If he hadn’t had that call from Quasar, he would likely have remained inside the cabin, planning for an attack. But evidently Randi had seen something in her dream that told her that them staying there wouldn’t have been good enough. They had to get the hell out.

He glanced over at Lennox and drew in a furious breath—not directed at her, but for her. She didn’t deserve this. It wasn’t fair that she was in this position, running for her life. Especially when the people she should have been able to trust, the FBI, were likely the ones who’d led the bad guys right to their door.

He couldn’t help thinking the same thing now that he’d thought when Becca had been killed. How were there so many bad guys in the system? And when did the good guys stop winning? Was Lennox supposed to run forever? It wasgoing on two weeks now and the Bureau still couldn’t get a handle on who was, and who wasn’t, a good agent. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

“What’s wrong, Roland? Why aren’t we leaving?”

He reached out and took her hand in his. “We aren’t going anywhere, Lennox.”


“Because it’s time for the good guys to win for a change.”

“Again?” she asked smiling.

He knew she was thinking about how they’d managed to rescue those twelve girls. “Yes, again.”

He picked up his phone and pressed a few buttons. When his call was answered, he said, “Special Agent Warner, this is Roland Summers. You guys screwed up again. Our location has been compromised and the men looking for Lennox are on their way to what was supposed to be one of your safehouses.”

“What! Are you sure?” Special Agent Warner asked in a disbelieving voice.

“I’m sure. But just so you know, I’m not running. If I see fit to let any of those bastards live, then maybe, by the time your guys get here to arrest them, they’ll be more than happy to name the moles in your agency.”

Without saying anything else Roland hung up the phone. He then glanced around. It was pitch black out and he was glad for all the trees. They’d provide the cover he would need. “Come on,” he said, glancing over at Lennox and then opening the door for her to get out.

“Where are we going?” she asked.