After careful analysis, if he saw something he wanted--whether it was to take over another company, beat out his competitor, or to make sure his company stayed on top--he would put a plan in place to get the results he desired.

And he desired Rylee.

That was the reason he had arranged for a private car to pick her up for tonight’s affair. His company didn’t have a non-fraternization policy, so if anythingdiddevelop between them, there would no professional fallout. He wasn’t naïve enough to think there wouldn’t be office talk. Would she be able to handle it if there was?

He’d never considered dating anyone who worked for him because there had never been anyone at Connelly Enterprises who’d caught his eye. But Rylee had caught his eye and more. He smiled, thinking back to the moment she’d surprised him in his office.

His gaze had raked over her--from her beautiful face to her low-heel pumps and that dark brown pencil skirt, printed blouse and green jacket. The outfit had looked professional, yet somehow, incredibly sexy. It had stirred something within him that hadn’t been stirred…ever. At least, not in the way she’d done it.

For years, he’d been drawn to sleek, sophisticated—predictable--women. Women who’d rather be seen than heard. If they could think for themselves, they never let it show.

Although Rylee was a very gorgeous woman, it was obvious that there was so much more to her than just her beauty. There was nothing predictable about her. She had a brain and didn’t mind using it. That had been obvious when she’d gone over the new software with him.

Walking out the house, he checked his watch. He was glad Goldwyn was visiting his son and his family this week in Florida. Like Mattie, his butler knew all his secrets, even some he hadn’t shared with him.

His chauffeur was waiting for him out front, standing in front of a sleek Lincoln Town Car. “Good evening, Mr. Connelly.”

“Evening, Morris,” he greeted as he slid into the car’s back seat.

“Are we still picking up your date, sir?”

Frazier decided not to correct Morris. In fact, he rather liked the thought of Rylee being his date. “Yes, we’ll be picking up Ms. Rylee Danville.”

“Yes, sir.”

He leaned back against the car’s leather seat and smiled. He knew Rylee was expecting a private car. Little did she guess he’d be in it with her.

• ••

“Are you ready for tonight, Mom?” Ireland asked her mother through the speaker phone.

That question should not have required a lot of thought, yet it did. Rylee should be ready for tonight’s gala. Ireland had come home last weekend to help her shop for the perfect dress. And that morning, her friend Sheryl had flown in from Atlanta for a day trip to join Rylee at the spa and hair salon. Because Sheryl had a book deadline, she’d couldn’t stay long and had flown back to New York that evening.

After she’d finished getting ready for tonight, Rylee had sent both Sheryl and Ireland selfies to show them the final product. Both had approved.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, Ireland,” she said, moving around the bedroom picking up after herself.

She hadn’t particularly liked the push-up bra Ireland had insisted she buy, but her daughter had claimed that it would look perfect with her dress tonight. Rylee, on the other hand, thought it showed too much cleavage. Her breasts were already a nice size--why did she need to make them appear any bigger?

She had gone through her dresser drawers looking for what she’d thought was a more suitable bra. But after tossing a number of them out on her bed, she’d decided to go with Ireland’s choice after all. She had to admit it did look better with her outfit.

“You look so beautiful, Mom. I wish Dad could see you tonight. It would be good for him to see exactly what he lost.”

Rylee rolled her eyes. She didn’t want her ex-husband to see her tonight or any night. He had moved on and sohad she. It was awkward enough when he’d drop by to see his parents when she was there visiting. It hadn’t happened often, thank goodness. But even once was one time too many.

Neither she nor Ireland could mention his name without thinking of his failures as a father and husband. Although a part of Rylee had wished Boris had a better relationship with his daughter, he didn’t. In fact, he never really even tried. In the end, they’d both done a lot better without him in their lives.

Looking around, Rylee was satisfied her bedroom was back in order--she didn’t like clutter. Then she glanced at her watch. The car Connelly Enterprises was sending for her would be there in less than thirty minutes.

“Okay Ireland, it’s time for me to go. Call me tomorrow and I will tell you all about it.”

“Enjoy yourself, Mom.”

Rylee chuckled. “I will be too busy working behind the scenes to enjoy myself. I’m this year’s company ambassador, remember.”

She still couldn’t believe she’d let Hank talk her into this. He was supposed to have been this year’s ambassador. But then he had decided to take a month-long vacation and the gala was just one more thing Rylee had had to step in and take care of.

Although at first, Rylee had felt out of her comfort zone, she had met a lot of great people while putting this event together. Luckily, she’d had a lot of help. Without Shay Markham, the event planner the company had hired, she’d have been lost. Shay had worked with her and the American Heart Association to ensure that this would be a memorable evening for all the attendees.