LESS THAN TEN MINUTESlater, the place was swarming with local police and the FBI. Arrests were made of those still alive and the morgue truck had been called for the others. Lennox had told him about the promise she’d made to reunite the sisters and he was glad she’d been able to keep that promise.

Roland was grateful the FBI had arrived on the scene before the local law enforcements. Following orders from the district’s FBI Director, all the video cameras surrounding the cabin had been confiscated. They were quickly whisked away to FBI headquarters to give their statements. He and Lennox were glad all the girls would be united with their families.

While at FBI Headquarters, they had talked to Special Agents Warner and DuBose via conference call. They had refused the agents’ offer to be taken to a ‘safehouse’ under FBI protection. Roland had no problem reminding them of what had happened the last time they’d been “protected” by the FBI.

Still, the agents had warned them there was a good possibility that their location had been compromised. They’d confiscated all video footage from around the cabin, hoping that might keep their descriptions from being leaked. But already, some of the girls were talking about the nice woman with the light brown eyes and blond hair who had helped save them. Thankfully, Lennox had been wearing her wig.

Once it was all over, Roland and Lennox got back in their SUV. He decided the best course of action would be to continue on to where they’d been headed before the incident--Lake Erie Beach. Only instead of staying there for a week as he’d planned, they would stay just a few days--three at most.

It was close to four in the morning when they arrived at the beach house. It was beautiful and spacious and he regretted that they couldn’t spend as much time here as he’d originally planned.

Lennox had been quiet for most of the trip. In fact, she hadn’t said much at all after they’d left FBI Headquarters. He’d thought she was asleep, but whenever he’d come to a traffic light, he’d glance over at her and see that she was wide awake, staring out the window. More than once he tried to engage her in conversation, but when it became obvious that she preferred silence, he gave it to her.

Roland figured she had a lot on her mind tonight. He bet she’d never had to take a life before. In her profession, the only bodies she came in contact with were the ones she gutted after they were dead.

After he had checked the place out, Lennox told him goodnight, then went to one of the bedrooms and closedthe door. He’d made a pot of coffee and checked in with Striker.

“Are you and Lennox okay?” Striker asked the moment he picked up the phone.

Roland could tell from the sounds in the background that Striker had gotten out of bed and was moving to another room so as not to wake Margo. “We’re fine but it was quite an ordeal.”

“I can imagine. And just so you know, your little adventure made the national news. I guess it isn’t every day twelve girls get rescued from sex traffickers and are returned to their parents. There’s a lot of curiosity about the rescuers. All the media is saying is that it was a man and woman. But now, people are wondering why nobody’s coming forward to collect the reward money offered by several organizations. There’s also a lot of speculation about why the couple’s identities are not being revealed.”

Roland frowned, as he sat down at the table with his coffee. “What’s the FBI saying?” He knew the Bureau would have held a press conference by now.

“They’re taking all the credit, saying the couple who busted up the human trafficking ring were undercover agents who’d been a part of a sting operation. That’s why their identities can’t be released.”

Undercover agents? Roland almost found that laughable. He and Lennox had been out-numbered almost three to one—and yet, they’d managed to return every one of those girls to their parents. He had been damn proud of Lennox…especially in that moment when she’d taken the woman down with her killer shoes.

“Whatever works, as long as it keeps our identities hidden,” Roland said. “Even if it makes the Feds look like heroes in the process. At this point, I don’t give a shit. I’m just glad it’s over and those girls are safe.”

“And the parents are all over the media thanking you guys for returning their daughters to them.”

“I guess we were just in the right place at the right time,” Roland said, taking a sip of his coffee.

“I guess so. And just so you know, my nosy wife will be asking questions. She knows you’re protecting Lennox, and is smart enough to put two and two together, but you’re going to get grilled when you get back.”

Roland shook his head at the mention of his niece. “Just let Margo, as well as Frazier, know you’ve heard from me and I’m fine.”

After Roland ended the call with Striker, he checked in Stonewall and Quasar. And he made a call to Byron. His friend told him that by the time he’d reached the cabin, local police and the FBI were still there. So he’d decided to join Roland and Lennox in Lake Erie Beach, just as an extra set of eyes, until it was safe for them to leave the area.

With all his phone calls taken care of, Roland walked through the house to check on the security system. It had been a long drive and he was tired. After they’d left FBI Headquarters, he had driven around for an additional hour or so, just to make sure they weren’t being followed.

Now he needed to shower and get some rest. The bedroom he would be using was upstairs, right next to Lennox’s. As much as he wanted to knock on her door to check on her, he figured it was best that he didn’t. She wasprobably sound asleep by now. Tonight had to have been exhausting for her. Mentally and physically.

Just thinking of how wrong things could have gone sent shivers through him. They had come close to death, several times. But they hadn’t died. In fact, they were both very much alive.

That realization flowed through his mind as he headed for the shower he desperately needed. A short while later, he was in bed and staring up at the ceiling. As exhausted as he was, he couldn’t sleep. Suddenly, his ears picked up a sound in the hallway, right outside his door.

Quickly easing up in bed, he was reaching for his gun when he heard Lennox’s soft voice. “Roland?”

Getting out of bed, he quickly moved to the door. The moment he opened it, she threw herself into his arms and buried her face in his chest, just like she’d done the night this whole madness had started. The only difference was that this time, he was shirtless and could feel the warmth of her face against his skin.

“I don’t want to be alone tonight, Roland. May I stay in here with you?”

He pulled back and looked down into her face, trying not to notice the short PJs she was wearing. This pair was yellow and it did something to her eyes—bringing out a hint of hazel.

Her request didn’t surprise him. She had seen, done and heard things tonight that had probably scared her to death. “Of course, you may stay here with me.”