But instead of being satisfied with the sample she’d had, she wanted more.

Lennox was no blushing maiden. Life had taught her some hard lessons already. So she wasn’t interested in a long-term affair, or even looking for a life-time commitment. All she could count on was the present moment. And she saw no reason they couldn’t do a little exploring, since they were already spending so much time together.

She was a woman who knew what she wanted…and she wanted Roland. Of course, she wasn’t about to tell him that…yet. The ball was in her court and she intended to play it well.

• • •

“So, I guess we’re not speaking now. Is that right, Roland?”

Roland’s head shot up from his plate. He knew the question had been coming. Over dinner they hadn’t exchanged more than two words.

“What do you want me to say?” he asked, placing his fork down and leaning back in his chair.

“What do you want to say?”

He studied her. She was sitting across from him, looking totally at ease. How could she be so relaxed when just the memory of their kiss still had him tied in knots?

Roland had been relieved when Byron had arrived with dinner. Still, though he’d been outside talking with his friend, he’d known the moment Lennox started watching them through the window. He hadn’t seen the curtain move, but then, he hadn’t had to. He’d sensed her. And wasn’t that a little terrifying?

Roland shifted his body, leaning closer toward the table. This awkwardness between them was going to get really old if he didn’t do something about it. Maybe it was time to let her know how he felt. “That kiss should not have happened, Lennox.” He was certain she would be on the same page.

“I’m afraid I don’t agree.”

His brows arched in surprise. She stared back at him with a raised chin and a look of defiance in her eyes. He didn’t understand. Why was she willing to engage in something they’d eventually regret?

“Why would you think that?” he asked.

“Why wouldn’t I? It’s obvious that it’s just a matter of time before we act on the attraction between us. Why fight it?”

After that bombshell, she went back to eating. He felt like he’d been dismissed. And he wasn’t going to stand for that. “I meant what I said. That kiss should not have happened, Lennox.”

She raised her head and the look on her face was defiant than before. “And I meant what I said—I don’t agree with you. There’s too much sexual chemistry between us. You know that as well as I do. Why are you denying it?”

He blew out a breath, feeling agitated. “I am not denying anything. I’m well aware of our chemistry, but I intend to control it.”

She placed her fork down and stared at him. “Then tell me what happened today, Roland. I won’t deny being a willing participant, but you were the one to initiate it.”

She was right. He had. “I made a mistake. I was momentarily overcome. But it won’t happen again.”


Okay? Was that all she had to say? It sounded as if she didn’t believe him. But she’d picked up her fork and started to eat again, her face expressionless. He had an idea what she was thinking. So he decided to shake her up a bit. “By the way, we’re leaving here tomorrow after breakfast.”

She looked over at him. Her features had gone tight and a look of fear had creeped into her gaze. “Why? Did you hear something?”

“No. As far as I know, the decoy is working. But it was never my intent to stay here more than ten days.” Roland felt there was no need to tell her the next place wouldn’t be as cozy as this one. He’d talked to his network team to make sure of it.

There was a long pause between them, as if she was considering his words. “Okay, then,” she finally said. “I’ll be ready. I don’t have to pack since I never really unpacked. I was living out of my suitcase.”

So had he. “Let’s try to be on the road by nine.”

“That’s fine.”

He didn’t say anything for a minute, then asked, “Do you feel like taking our usual evening walk today?”

A smile touched her lips. “Yes. I like this place. In a way, I hate to leave it.”

Roland knew what she meant. It had been the perfect hideout. However, there was something else he hadn’t toldher…but decided this wasn’t the time. He’d had Dak do some digging, just to find out just what the Fedshadn’ttold them. There had been alot.