When she’d been hired, she’d indicated that she was divorced, with a ten-year-old daughter. That meant the child would be twenty now.

He scrolled through the rest of the information in her file. She’d graduated from the University of Virginia--which meant she hadn’t left home to go to college, but had instead attended the local university. He wondered why? Had she not wanted to get away from home, like he had, even if for only four years?

His education, on the other hand, had extended to six years away from home, since he’d gone for his MBA while he’d been at Harvard. The only thing he hadn’t liked aboutthe university were the winters he’d had to spend in Massachusetts. He hated cold weather with a passion.

So he’d promised himself that once he’d finished his schooling at Harvard, he’d never travel to the north during the winter months. In fact, when Margo had lived in New York, he’d only visited her during the summers—something she had yet to forgive him for.

He smiled, and turned his attention back to the file, hoping to find some interesting facts, something that would justify his unusual attraction to Ms. Danville.

And hour or so later, he leaned back in his chair. Rylee Danville was a model employee who did outstanding work for the company. She’d gotten yearly increases due to her above-expected job performance and was always in line to get a bonus. She managed a team of ten and was the only female in the department.

According to her manager, Hank Manifold, she was well-liked and highly respected. She volunteered for numerous tasks and could be counted on to participate in the Connelly Enterprise’s Around Town Team--the ten or so individuals who usually represented the company at numerous charity events around town. Frazier made it a point to make an appearance at them as well, if his scheduled allowed.

He noted that she had volunteered to participate in the American Heart Association benefit gala next weekend. In fact, she was the company’s representative for the event. Interesting...

Even before his father’s heart attack, the Connellys had been huge supporters of that particular charity. Frazier hadn’t planned to attend the gala this year, but now that heknew Rylee Danville was in charge, he wouldn’t miss it for the world.

• • •

“Hi, Mom.”

Rylee settled down on the sofa, glad to hear her daughter’s voice. Usually, they talked on the phone a few times a week. “Hi, sweetie. How’s school going?” Ireland was taking several classes over the summer so she could graduate in December.

“It’s fine. I’m glad I decided to take these two classes over the summer. There’s a lot of research involved, but the library is never crowded because there are so few of us here on campus. How did your day go?”

Rylee started to respond that it had been a normal day, but suddenly realized that it truly hadn’t been. “Hank is out on vacation, so I got to do some one-on-one training with the company’s CEO, Frazier Connelly.”

“That’s cool. How was it?”

“I thought it went pretty well. Luckily, Mr. Connelly caught on quickly.”

There was no reason for her daughter to know how flustered she’d been. Her boss was very handsome, sexy as sin and had smelled good, too. Nor did she intend to tell Ireland that her stomach had tingled every time he’d looked at her with his penetrating dark eyes. It was hard to believe he was in his late forties. The man wore his age as well as he wore those designer suits.

After her training session with him had ended, she’d quickly fled to the nearest ladies’ room. There, she’d closedher eyes and released the breath she’d been holding ever since he’d thanked her for her help with a parting smile. Even now, just remembering that smile, she found it hard to breathe.

“Mom? Are you okay? You’re breathing funny.”

Rylee blinked. Was she? It was a good thing her daughter couldn’t see the sweat prickling her skin or feel the rush of heat that suddenly overcame her, tempting her to strip down into her bra and panties. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before.

“I’m fine, sweetheart. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.”

“Me, too. But I’m afraid I won’t be able to go with you to that gala in two weeks. I have a test two days later and I’ll have to put in some heavy-duty study time. But I’m looking forward to shopping for the perfect outfit with you.”

Rylee smiled. “I told you, I have plenty of nice outfits.”

“Yes, but since you’re this year’s chairman, you should look extra nice, Mom. It’s time for you to try out a different look.”

Rylee raised a brow. “How different are we talking, Ireland?”

“Nothing scary. Just leave things to me. I know just what kind of look will be perfect for you.”

Rylee didn’t know whether to laugh…or start worrying. Ireland had been after her for a while to get out more, even suggesting Rylee try online dating. But she’d put her daughter off, telling her she wasn’t comfortable with something like that. She was more of an old-fashioned, traditional woman. All she’d ever wanted in life was to marry a guy who would love her, have a family with her and want to grow old together. Too bad that hadn’t worked for her.

She and Ireland talked a little while longer before they ended their call. They had a close relationship and, although a part of her wished her daughter had found a job that was closer to Charlottesville, she’d never say anything. She wanted her daughter to be free to do whatever she liked in life, acting like the independent woman Rylee had raised her to be.

Without any help from Boris.

She and Boris had met in college. By the time they’d graduated, she was pregnant. His parents, along with hers, had encouraged them to do what they’d thought was the right thing at the time., So she and Boris had gotten married.