Frazier slowly swiveled around in his chair so he was facing her and couldn’t stop his gaze from roaming over her. She was wearing a dark brown pencil skirt and a printed blouse beneath a green jacket. A pair of low-heel pumps showcased a pair of nice-looking legs. The outfit looked professional. It also looked sexy as hell.

“You do? Isn’t that a coincidence.”

Her smile widened. “Not really. I understand she’s a pretty popular narrator with audio listeners.”

He chuckled. “She definitely is with me. I have listened to a lot of the stuff she’s done and haven’t been disappointed yet.”

“Neither have I.”

Frazier nodded and then swiveled his chair back around to his computer. “So, what’s with this new software that’s been installed?” he asked, realizing that if he continued to look at her, she would detect how attracted he was to her.Although it wasn’t a company policy, he had a personal rule never to become involved with any of his employees.

“I think you’re going to like all the new changes, Mr. Connelly,” she said, approaching him from behind. The scent of her perfume made him dizzy.

He was about to say she could call him Frazier, then decided it wasn’t a good idea. He needed to keep things professional between them.

“First, I need to get you all signed in with a new password,” she said, leaning over him to click on a certain screen. “I’m going to turn my back while you set one up.”

He glanced up at her, not realizing how close her face was to his. Hazel eyes met his and he swallowed. “Can’t I just use my old password?”

“No, sir. We prefer that you change it. I’ve already set the system to reject your old one.” She straightened and then walked away, giving him the privacy he needed to create a new password. But instead, he watched her as she walked over and looked out the window. Her back was to him, but he was still captivated. She was just as sexy from behind. He might be wrong, but figured her to be in her early thirties. No more than thirty-one or thirty-two. Either was too young for him. But still…

He looked down at his computer keyboard, trying to concentrate on a new password. He finally decided on one. It included the name of his favorite narrator, the last four digits of his private locker number at the gym, and then threw in a couple of the symbols he liked the best--dollar signs.

He glanced over at her and saw she was still looking out the window. “I’m done.”

She turned back to him, gave him what he thought was a radiant smile and said, “That’s great.”

As she walked back over to him, she added, “Now your training session can begin.”


Lennox craned her neck to look out the car’s windshield.They were here? Where?It was a parking garage connected to some tall building.When she and Roland left Joy and Stonewall’s home that morning in Roland’s car, she had intended to only close her eyes for a moment but had eventually fallen into an exhausted sleep. She blamed it on the leftover adrenaline from the night before.

Although she should have slept like a baby in a house with three firearm experts, people who wouldn’t hesitate to kick a few asses if they had to, she still couldn’t manage to rest. Each time she closed her eyes, the memory of her door being kicked in surged to the forefront of her mind.

She’d only seen the intruder in the ski-mask for a quick second before she’d fled to her bedroom and barricaded herself inside. She couldn’t help but think about other possible outcomes--if she’d been napping on her sofa, eating in her kitchen, watching television… Any number of other things that would have put her farther away from her bedroom.


She blinked then realized she was still staring so hard out the window. She turned to Roland, who had parked the car. She couldn’t stop her gaze from roaming over him. He was dressed in another pair of jeans, black this time. And he was wearing a buttoned-up deep brown shirt that emphasized the rich coloring of his skin.

Stonewall had prepared breakfast for them. Joy hadn’t come home until around two in the morning, but had already left by the time everyone was up.

Roland had left an hour later to go visit with his niece Margo, and to drop by his brother’s estate. When he had returned to Joy and Stonewall’s home, he’d told her that Joy had called him, asking the two of them to meet with her. Naturally, she’d assumed the meeting would take place at police headquarters.

“This isn’t police headquarters,” she said.

“A few details have changed, including the meeting place. I’m not privy to the reasons why.”

She nodded and glanced around. “Where are we?”

He was about to answer when his cell phone went off. He held up his finger to her to let her know he would tell her more after taking the call. “Yes, Stonewall?”

Lennox watched Roland nod a few times and look over at her. And then, as if he just figured out that she wanted to know what the conversation was about, he pressed a button and then said to Stonewall, “I just placed you on speaker.”

“Good morning again, Lennox,” Stonewall greeted

“Good morning to you, too. Thanks again for breakfast. It was delicious.”