
Roland lowered the gun and opened the door. Joy walked in, and if she noticed the gun in Roland’s hand, she didn’t say anything. “I just wanted you guys to know we’ll be wrapping things up in an hour.”

Lennox knew that meant they would have to leave before that point. This floor was a crime scene and would be sealed off from anyone not involved in the investigation.

“That won’t be a problem,” Roland said. “I still have a few things at Sutton Hills from that time I recuperated there after getting shot.”

Sutton Hills was the massive estate owned by Sheppard Granger and his wife Carson. Most people knew Carson considered Roland as a younger brother, and Lennox could see why he’d have chosen that place to recuperate.

She remembered hearing about the time Roland had been shot. What everyone had thought to be a car-hijacking, had ended up being an attempt on his life. That hadher wondering if perhaps the words on the note had some substance to them. Could DeWalt have been murdered?


She blinked when she realized Joy was talking to her. “Yes?”

“I want you to try and get some sleep tonight. I know it seems like a tall order, but try not to worry. I promise to get to the bottom of what happened here.”

Lennox nodded, knowing that Joy would. “I will. Thanks.”

After walking Joy to the door, Roland returned to the table and sat down. “We’d better finish up here. And I still need to pack an overnight bag.” A smile twitched at his lips as he motioned toward her two large pieces of luggage. “Unlike you, I travel light.”

At that moment, she couldn’t help but return his smile.

ENTERING HIS OFFICE ATConnelly Enterprises, Frazier Connelly removed his jacket, and hung it in the closet. Rubbing his hands down his face, he let out a deep sigh. He felt exhausted right down to his bones. He’d gone to bed totally relaxed after listening to hisUnwindapp. Electra’s voice had soothed him straight into peaceful oblivion.

But the sound of his phone ringing had woken him. Margo had called, letting him know that Roland had been involved in a shoot-out. After that, he had barely slept the rest of the night. He’d lost one brother to violence and didn’t want to lose another.

Thankfully, Roland had dropped by the Connelly Estates this morning and he’d been able to see for himself that his brother was okay. Frazier was glad for that. Before leaving for work, Frazier had turned on the television and watched the news while he finished up his coffee. According to the Charlottesville Police Department’s public affairs division, there was still an ongoing investigation into the shooting.

The only information they would provide was that it appeared to have been a home invasion involving a single female condo owner. The intruder was shot and killed by the woman’s neighbor after hearing her scream. Frazier had a feeling there was more to it than that, although Roland wasn’t saying. The important thing was that Roland was alive and well.

The minute he sat down at his desk, the buzzer went off. He pressed it down. “Yes, Mattie?” he asked the woman who’d been his administrative assistant for close to twenty-five years.

“Just a reminder that the reason your calendar is cleared today is because you have a training session with one of our IT guys to go over our new system.”

“Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten all about that. I guess that means I can’t sneak out and play golf later.”

“That’s right. But don’t sweat it. You never really got the hang of playing golf anyway.”

He fought back a smile, knowing that was true. But still… “One day I will fire you for having such a smart mouth.”

“That’s fine with me, as long as I still get my bonuses every year.”

He had to shake his head. “Do you honestly think you’d be entitled to bonuses if you were fired?”

“Don’t see why not. Especially if they will keep me from going to work for your competitors and spilling my guts.”

A scowl covered his face. She had a point. Mattie had worked with him long enough to know a lot of his secrets--business, personal and otherwise. But he knew she’dnever let private information slip. She was old enough to be his mother and had been with him since the day he’d taken over after his father’s untimely death. He had come to depend on her and there were times he thought she knew him better than he knew himself. While she might tease him, he trusted her implicitly, and knew he had no better confidante.

“Whatever. Since I don’t have use of my computer, I guess I’ll find something else to do to occupy my time until Hank gets here.”

“Hank is on vacation. The IT person who’s coming is Rylee Danville.”


After ending his conversation with Mattie, he placed his cell phone on his desk, hoping this Danville guy would be quick in showing him this new software so he could get back to work. He had a lot to do today to prepare for the meeting he would be attending in Los Angeles next week.

After adjusting the volume on his cell phone, he leaned back in his chair and relaxed, as Electra narrated the new book he’d started listening to yesterday.