Lennox smiled as she walked into her office and closed the door. Since she’d been out of the office last week she needed to see what, if anything, had happened that neededher immediate attention or that she’d need to be brought up-to-date on.

A few hours later, after she’d got settled into that day’s routine, a call came in from the police department’s homicide department--she was needed at the scene of a crime. Well, the one thing she could say about her job was that it was never boring.

When she arrived at the crime scene, she noticed several marked patrol vehicles. This was a nice neighborhood with spacious houses on manicured lots, all with triple garages and horseshoe-shaped driveways. Stopping her car, she turned off the ignition, grabbed her medical bag, and got out the car.

Moments later, several officers were greeting her with their flirtatious smiles. This was something she hadn’t been used to when she’d first moved Charlottesville--single police officers who didn’t let finding a dead person stop them from flirting. Obviously, she was fair game, no matter what the situation.

Back in Boston, she’d never had to be concerned about anyone coming on to her—they’d known she was spoken for. DeWalt had been well-liked and highly respected and everyone knew she and DeWalt were solid.

“Officers Talon, Arragon and Lewinsky. How are you fellas doing?” she asked.

Of course, it was Mike Arragon, the most flirtatious of them all, who responded. “I would be a lot better if you’d go out with me.”

She just shook her head and chuckled. “Who’re the detectives working this call?”

“Sanchez and Acklin,” Officer Talon said. “Looks like a suicide.”

Lennox nodded as she skirted around the yellow tape and walked toward the front door. She liked both Juan Sanchez and James Acklin--they were good detectives. Sanchez, who’d been Joy’s partner when she’d been on the force, was married and had the cutest little boy. And his wife was expecting another. Acklin, who was tall and very good-looking, was single.

She and James had gone out a few times and she had enjoyed his company. But what she’d really appreciated was that he hadn’t had unrealistic expectations after their first date. In fact, he’d told her that even though he was looking for a serious relationship, he’d quickly realized she wasn’t ready. After a couple of dates, they’d agreed to just be friends.

Lennox had since heard that he’d met someone and was now involved in a serious relationship. She was happy for him. He was a good guy.

The two detectives glanced up and smiled when she entered the bedroom. “Welcome back,” they both said.

“Thanks. And what do we have here?” she asked, glancing at the male body lying on the bed.

An hour or so later, after she’d examined the victim who still held the gun in his hand, she told Sanchez and Acklin something she felt they’d already suspected. “Theo Hart didn’t commit suicide.”

Acklin nodded. “We had our doubts, even though there’s a suicide note.”

“But who would want to take out the manager of a grocery store and make it look like a suicide?” Sanchez asked.

“I have no idea, but someone did,” Lennox said. She walked back over to the two detectives. “There’s someresidue on his hand, but if this was a self-inflicted injury, there would be more of it. I suspect whoever did this wore gloves.”

She glanced around. It was now up to the detectives to prove the entire thing had been deliberately staged. Glancing back at them, she asked, “Did the officers check the garbage bins out back?”

Acklin shook his head. “Not yet, but we will. According to the suicide note, he didn’t want to live without his wife. We understand she died of cancer a year ago.”

Lennox shrugged. “It’s possible he actually wrote the note. But if he did, my guess is that it was because he had no choice.”

Neither man said anything for a minute, then Sanchez called out to the officers standing in the living room. “Hey Talon, make sure the garbage cans out back are checked, as well as garbage dispensers and dumpsters in the area.”

Acklin gave her a look that told her everything she needed to know. If Theo Hart had been murdered, he and Sanchez would get the person responsible. They were good detectives—the best in the area--and she knew they wouldn’t rest until they uncovered the truth.

• • •

Roland entered the lobby of his condo and came to an abrupt stop when he saw Lennox standing at the bank of elevators. He glanced at his watch. It was close to eight o’clock. Was she just getting home? Then he wondered why he thought her comings and goings were any of his business. They weren’t.

Since no one else was waiting for the elevator, they’d have to ride up to the fifth floor together. Alone. The thought of that rattled him. She hadn’t seen him yet and he was tempted to turn around and go back out the doors before she did. He rubbed a frustrated hand down his face. Was he even considering that? No--he refused to run scared whenever she was around. He was too old for that kind of bullshit. No other woman had ever gotten to him this way and he wasn’t about to let her get to him now. Squaring his shoulders, he moved forward.

She must have heard his footsteps, because she glanced up. The moment their gazes met, he nearly missed his step. How had he picked up her scent already--that luscious and alluring aroma that was all female? It made him think back to the last time he’d been with a woman. Had it really been more than six months ago? Possibly even longer. Hell, why couldn’t he remember? Or was he making a conscious effort to forget?

He swallowed tightly and kept walking toward her. She didn’t look away, and so, neither would he. Unlike Saturday, when she was dressed in casual attire, today she looked like the woman he knew, with her hair flowing around her shoulders, stilettos on her feet and a dress that underscored her small waist, sexy curves and beautiful legs. How could she look sexy and so refreshed after working all day?

“Hello, Lennox. You’re kind of late coming home from work, aren’t you?” Why did he say that when he’d already decided that her comings and goings were no concern of his?

He also noticed that she’d begun gnawing on her bottom lip, which was a good sign she was nervous. He hadan idea as to why. There was no way they could deny the strong sexual chemistry flowing between them. Was she as uncomfortable about it as he was?