“Sounds serious.”

She smiled. “It is.”

Trish gave her a look that all but said that she thought it was probably serious for her but not for Frazier. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Rylee. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt.”

“Thanks for your concern, but I’ll be okay.”

Trish had a doubtful look on her face. Rylee knew Trish wasn’t alone in what she was thinking. Unfortunately, Frazier had created quite a reputation for himself over the years.

Trish said, “People around here are going to talk.”

Rylee shrugged. “And when they do, I’m sure Frazier will handle it.” She hoped that was a warning to Trish to keep her own lips sealed.

After Trish left her office, she smiled to herself. Frazier would indeed handle it. Office gossip was office gossip, but he’d told her that if it got out of hand, he would put an end to it. And she knew that he would. They were in love and eventually, everyone would know it. The people in her life who mattered already did know it. Before returning to Charlottesville, they’d made a stop in Michigan. He had wanted to meet Ireland and so they dropped in on her and took her to lunch. The two had hit it off instantly.

He would be meeting Sheryl this weekend when he flew her to LA. She and Frazier had talked to her parents a few days ago and her in-laws last night. They were all happy for her because they knew she was happy. And she definitely was. She and Frazier had even discussed marriage, but had decided to keep that to themselves for now. They both agreed life was too short. They loved each other and what they shared was a once in a lifetime thing for them.

Rylee and Frazier had figured the news articles would soon start appearing in the papers, although they hadn’t thought one would come out this quickly. She picked up the paper and read the article, smiling at what the reporter had written.

“I’ve met Ms. Danville and I think Frazier Connelly has finally wised up and chosen a woman who truly compliments him.”

Placing the newspaper aside, Rylee booted up her computer. It was time to get to work.

• • •

“Good morning, Mattie.”

“Good morning, Mr. Connelly. Welcome back.”


“I’m not sure if you’ve seen this morning’s paper,” Mattie said with a huge smile. “I left a copy on your desk.”

“Okay.” He wondered what Mattie was so happy about this morning.

It didn’t take him long to find out. He studied the photograph of him and Rylee in today’s paper. They looked good together. He was lucky to have such a beautiful woman in his life and agreed with the reporter’s assessment. Rylee did compliment him in every way.

He picked up the phone to call her.

“IT Department. This is Rylee Danville.”

“Good morning, beautiful.” Since it had been late when they’d arrived home last night, he had talked her into staying overnight at his place and had taken her home early this morning.

“Hello, handsome.”

He grinned, leaning back in his chair. “We made this morning’s paper.”

“I saw.”

“Are you okay or do I need to put out some fires?” he asked.

“I’m fine. A very special man loves me and I love him back. Together we can handle anything.”

“Baby, that is so true. Always remember that. How about lunch?”

“Lunch sounds great. Where do you want to meet?”

“I know where you work, so I’ll come and get you. I’ll see you at noon.”