Angus waved a dismissive hand. “The twins were causin’ trouble over somethin’ or other. Everyone was gettin’ fashed, so I came up with that little prank as a discretionary tactic to get yer da’s mind off the twins.”
“Grandda, that is not what that word means,” Braden said.
His grandfather rounded on him. “I’ll be havin’ no sass from ye, laddie boy. Just because yer a high and mighty doctor doesna mean yer too big for me to paddle yer bum.”
“How did you get that god-awful head thing down from Kinglas?” Logan said, clearly trying todiverttheir grandfather’s wrath. “Isn’t there an equally appalling outfit to go along with it?”
“I had Taffy send down the whole kit and caboodle, along with some of the other decorations.” The old man beamed. “She knew we’d want to be havin’ a right and proper holiday, even if we’re not at Kinglas.”
Taffy was the castle’s redoubtable housekeeper and one of the few people capable of controlling Angus. The two of them seemed to have a mysterious understanding that the family had by common accord thought best not to question.
“You’ll be missing Taffy and everyone else at Kinglas, Grandda,” Braden said. “But I know Pippa and Joseph are thrilled that you’re here for the holidays.”
Angus waved his arms, sending the mess on his head sliding backwards. He managed to catch it and jammed it down until it tangled with his bushy white eyebrows.
“I’m here for ye, too, lad. If ye’d stop runnin’ off all the time, ye’d figure that out. Ye’d think ye didn’t want to spend time with me and Kade.”
Braden mentally winced. “I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’m just finishing up some work at the clinic, and then I’ll have more free time.”
Angus perked up. “Mayhap I could come down and help ye. I’m a wonder with diagnosin’ the ailments, ye ken.” He tapped the side of his nose. “It’s the old knowledge that’s best.”
For a moment, Braden’s mind reeled at the image of his grandfather let loose on his patients.
“That’s not such a bad idea,” Logan said, trying to stifle another laugh.
Braden threw him a dirty look before dredging up a smile for his grandfather. “I’m sure that can be arranged at some point.”
Angus rubbed his hands together. “Grand. I’m free this afternoon.”
“Oh, God,” Braden muttered.
Fortunately, Logan took pity on him.
“Grandda, why don’t you take Joseph and Pippa Christmas shopping today?” he said as he returned to his seat behind the desk. “I know they want to pick out gifts for Donella and their uncles, and I’m too blasted busy to take them. I’d consider it a great favor if you could help them find gifts.”
“Oh, aye.” Angus craned over the desk, trying to read the open ledger in front of Logan. “What are ye workin’ on? Those be not Kendrick books, I’m thinkin’.”
“They’re from the Penwith Foundation,” Braden said. “I asked Logan to take a quick look at them.”
Angus yanked off his headgear and tossed it onto a nearby chair, where it sent up a cloud of dust. “Sounds like trouble. Let me have a look, laddie boy. I have the best head for keepin’ the books in the family, as ye ken.”
In fact, he had the worst head for it—not that it mattered. Braden wouldn’t let Angus anywhere near so tricky and dangerous a situation. Mayhem would surely ensue.
“There’s nothing wrong. Logan is simply giving them a quick check.”
Braden interrupted by placing a firm hand on his grandfather’s shoulder then started moving him toward the door. “You have to take the children shopping, remember? I’ll go with you in the carriage, and you can drop me off at the college.”
His grandfather’s wrinkled features turned suspicious and watchful. “What aren’t ye tellin’ me, son?”
“Nothing, Grandda. Now, let’s get to it, shall we? The day’s not getting any younger.”
He gently propelled his grandfather down the hall, doing his best to ignore his protests and maintain the fiction that all was business as usual.
Samantha absently rubbed her temple, trying to ignore the headache threatening like a summer storm in the distance. No matter how long she stared at the column of figures, they still didn’t add up. The number neatly penned at the bottom of the page should be larger.