“Yes, and I’ll be dealing with that,” Graeme said, turning serious. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, Kathleen. I promise we’ll find your jewels.”

That seemed a rather dicey promise to make, even if Graeme was a former inquiry agent.

“Thank you,” she said. “But I don’t want to put you to any trouble—or put you in danger. Not over silly pieces of jewelry.”

“It’s not silly,” Jeannie said with dogged loyalty. “Your mamma gave you that ring.”

“Yes, but the fact thatyou’resafe is what truly matters to me,” Kathleen replied.

“That you areallsafe,” Brown said, soulfully pressing a hand to his chest. “Miss Calvert, your safety counts more than any piece of jewelry, no matter how precious.”

Grant’s eyes narrowed to irritated slits as he studied the vicar.

“Thank you,” Kathleen hastily said, hoping Brown didn’t notice Grant’s rather mystifying disapproval.

“If there’s anything I can do to help,” Brown added, “you need simply ask. You and your sister both, of course.”

Jeannie clasped her hands. “Thankyou, sir.”

Kathleen tried to ignore the fact that the twins were now regarding the vicar with identically sardonic expressions.

Then Grant looked over at her. “Never fear, Kathleen. Graeme will find your jewels.”

She blinked, startled by the use of her given name as well as by the quiet confidence in his voice.

“Ah, yes,” she said, blushing like a complete idiot.

Kathleen knew herself to be the opposite of shy, but there was something about Grant Kendrick that made her go warm and cozy inside, as if he’d just snuggled her up in a deliciously warm blanket.

Idiot. You’d have better luck with the vicar.

Sadly, she didn’t want the vicar’s attention.

“I’d make more progress with this problem if you weren’t so ready to hare off back to Glasgow,” Graeme said to his twin.

“Please don’t run off, dear,” Sabrina added. “You know we’d love for you to stay.”

Grant’s gaze remained on Kathleen for a moment before he gave Sabrina a polite smile. “I’d like nothing better, but I can’t leave Royal in a lurch.”

“Och,” Graeme said. “Royal can manage.”

“Sir Graeme, please feel free to call on me if you need any assistance,” Brown earnestly said. “I am more than happy to do what I can to assist you in addressing these nefarious incidents.”

Grant, again quite pointedly, rolled his eyes.

Jeannie put down her teacup. “What nefarious incidents are you talking about? Have there been other robberies?”

“Nothing at all to worry about, my dear.” Sabrina transferred another scone to the girl’s plate. “Kathleen, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you’re here. My gardens are a dreadful mess. Our gardener, a lovely fellow butquiteelderly, desperately needs some expert help.”

That was a clear dodge, of course, intended to distract Jeannie.

“I’m simply an amateur,” Kathleen replied, “though I’m certainly happy to help.”

“How interesting,” Grant said, picking up the discussion. “Do you actually design gardens?”

“Kath knows everything about gardens,” Jeannie said. “She even planted one of the kitchen gardens at Greystone Court, in Ireland.”

“Goodness, Miss Calvert,” the vicar said in an admiring tone. “You are clearly a woman of many talents.”