His unexpected compliment threw her off balance—yet again. The blasted man was turning her brain to mush.

Make a joke of it.

“Really, can you imagine me as a vicar’s wife? I would be sure to do something dreadful, like drink up all the communion wine or insult the parishioners.”

He grinned. “How shocking that would be for poor Mr. Brown. I wonder if he realizes what a narrow escape he’s made.”

“Apparently not yet, which is why I continue to do my best to discourage him. Besides, poor Jeannie will have an absolute fit if she gets the idea that I’m trying to cut her out.” Kathleen had to repress a very real shudder. “The consequences of that scenario would be appalling for all of us.”

“Then I suggest you cease repairing the man’s gardens. Doesn’t that send a mixed message?”

“You’ll notice that I waited until he left town this morning before I commenced the repairs.”

“Mrs. Adair will certainly tell him who did it. That’ll send him straight to Lochnagar on his trusty steed as a suitably sedate and clerical version of a fairy-tale prince.”

She sighed. “It’ll be a gothic nightmare if Jeannie twigs to it. And you’re right, of course. But I couldn’t bear what those awful men did to this poor garden.”

To her mind, it had been another form of desecration—destroying God’s beauty both inside and outside the kirk.

He leaned closer again, his gaze now glittering with intent. It made her stomach flutter like ladybugs taking flight.

“As I mentioned earlier,” he murmured, “you’re a very kind lass.”

It was astonishing how sonormala man could so thoroughly scramble her wits. Something was happening here that she didn’t entirely understand.

He’s flirting with you.

That revelation almost knocked her sideways off the bench.

“I suppose I should have restrained myself because now he’ll get the wrong idea,” she said, trying to rally.

“You could try the Irish brogue again. That seemed to throw Brown off his feed.”

“It certainly threw off my sister. She’s unused to me talking like an Irish barmaid.”

“Och, lassie, ye sounded like the fairest of colleens. As foine a maiden as ever graced the emerald sod.”

She laughed. “That’s very impressive. You just sounded more of an idiot than I did.”

“Graeme and I spent years practicing our technique.” His smile turned wry. “It used to drive poor Nick mad. How he put up with the pair of us is a complete mystery.”

“I expect it’s because he loves you.”

“We certainly didn’t deserve it,” he softly replied, as if more to himself than to her. Then he grimaced and pulled out his watch. “It’s getting late, don’t you think? Sabrina will be wondering where we are.”

Well.Obviously the flirting had come to a conclusion.

She leaned over to look at his watch. “Goodness, I’d best clean this mess up before collecting your grandfather.”

“I’ll help, then I’ll escort you down to the pub.” He gave her a hand up from the bench. “No wandering about alone, understand?”

She snapped off a salute. “Aye, aye, Mr. Kendrick.”

He tapped her chin. “No cheek, lass.”

When he leaned a little closer, her mind seized.He’s going to kiss you.

Involuntarily, her lips parted on a small gasp.