“Yes. He and Angus both are. After yesterday’s unfortunate events, it’s clear our crime spree is officially out of hand.”

“But what can Grant, er, Mr. Kendrick do to help?”

“I’m sure you’ve noticed how competent Grant is. And he and Graeme understand each other. Eachalwaysknows exactly what the other needs.” Sabrina’s smile was wry. “It can be disconcerting at times, especially when they finish each other’s sentences. Or have an entire conversation without even talking.”

“Still, they’re quite different. In personality, I mean.”

“Yes, Grant is a very serious man, although Graeme tells me that he wasn’t always that way. They were both absolute hellions when they were younger.”

“Angus told a few stories on the trip up, but they were amusing rather than outrageous.” Thanks to Grant, who’d shut his grandfather down more than once. “Honestly, though, men get to have all the fun. It’ssounfair.”

Sabrina’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’m sure Grant would be happy to tell you about his adventures. You might learn a few new tricks.”

Kathleen recollected herself. “I’ve given up my life of nefarious doings, remember? From now on, I walk the straight and narrow path. Besides, I’m sure Mr. Kendrick will be much too busy helping your husband. And I’ll be busy helping you, so we’ll hardly see each other.”

Sabrina shot her a much too perceptive glance. “I know Grant is quiet, but that doesn’t mean he’s boring. He’s the opposite, once you get past his armor. All the Kendrick men wear a bit of armor, you know. But once they drop their shields, so to speak, you’ll find they’re entirely worth the effort.”

“Sabrina, I’m not really sure why we’re having this conversation,” Kathleen cautiously said. “Mr. Kendrick is not interested in me, nor I in him.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure he finds me a terrible nuisance.”

“And I’m sure he doesn’t.”

Kathleen flapped a hand. “It doesn’t matter, because I’m not interested in him.”


“I think the two of you would get along splendidly, if you just gave him a chance.”

“Are you deranged? We’re complete opposites.”

“So were Graeme and I. Do you think anyone in our London set could imagine me married to a wild Highlander and former spy?”

“True, but I’m not looking for—”

“Kath, hurry up!” Jeannie suddenly called out.

She breathed a sigh of relief, happy to forgo the suddenly awkward discussion. “Coming, dearest,” she called to her sister.

Jeannie and Mr. Brown waited by a sturdy iron gate in what appeared to be a newly built brick wall. Beyond was a stand of pine and birch trees, through which Kathleen could catch a glimpse of a long building, presumably the distillery.

“Yes, but hurry up. You’re taking forever,” her sister yelled.

The vicar winced. Jeannie was standing right next to the poor man, and she had a very healthy pair of lungs.

“Shall we go rescue Mr. Brown?” Sabrina asked. “We can finish our conversation about Grant later.”

Kathleen had no intention of finishingthatparticular conversation. “I will say that Mr. Brown has done his duty by Jeannie.”

“Yes, he’s a very kind man.”

If a trifle dull, especially compared to Grant.

She mentally blinked over her sudden conviction that Grant Kendrick was, in fact, not dull in the slightest.

Mr. Brown doffed his round hat as she and Sabrina approached.