“We’ve had our hands full, to tell you the truth. Between trying to restore the manor and the home farms, helping our tenants and the villagers, and getting the distillery up and running . . .”

“You’re run off your feet, and the last thing you need is a gang of bloody bastards running amuck.”

Graeme all but growled. “And what happened today takes it to a new level. It’s not just a few petty thieves taking advantage of a peaceful village. It’s a well-organized dangerous gang.”

“I got that impression when a gun was shoved against my skull,” Grant wryly said.

His twin grimaced. “I’m so sorry, lad.”

“Not your fault. So, what’s the plan?”

“I have to find a way to get on top of it. Someone’s bound to get hurt, sooner or later. If nothing else, a villager is going to get twitchy one night and accidentally shoot a neighbor just on his way home from the pub.”

“You’d best retrieve that pistol from Vicar Brown, then. He’s likely to shoot himself accidentally.”

His twin snorted. “Yer not likin’ our good vicar. Again, why?”

“Mind your business, laddie boy. Again, what is the plan, and how do I come into it?”

“I know you’re planning on heading back to Glasgow almost immediately, but I really could use your help, Grant. I need someone to bring fresh eyes to this problem and also do some poking around. Try to get wind of something. Ofanything, at this point.”

Grant was silent for a few seconds.

“I know it’s a lot to ask,” Graeme apologetically added.

“Don’t be a moron. Of course I’ll stay. I was just thinking through what needs to be done in Glasgow. Royal will have to stay on in the office for a few more weeks. Still, he was already willing to do that, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t truly need your help. I know how much I’m imposing on you.”

This time, Grant leaned over and jabbed his brother. “Stop. I’m always here for you, Graeme. Always.”

Just as his twin had always been there for him, no matter the trouble. Of course, Graeme was usually the instigator of the trouble, but that hardly mattered. His brother’s love and loyalty had always been boundless. Whatever was asked was given, without question or hesitation.

“It’s incredibly lucky I am, to have you as my brother,” Graeme quietly said. “I’d never have made it without you.”

A surge of emotion tightened Grant’s throat. Angus had been right all along. He’d not been paying enough attention to his family these last months, especially to his twin. He’d been a selfish prat, narrowing his life down to the demands of his work and numbers in a ledger.

Graeme tilted his head. “All right?”

“Aye, that.” Of course Graeme would know exactly what he was thinking. “You do know this means you’re stuck with Angus, too. He lovesspy business, ye ken.”

“I know, but I’m hoping he’ll be so taken up with Gus that he’ll be too busy to interfere.”

“Told yourself that, did you?”

As if on cue, the door flew open and Angus stomped in.

“Well, is it sorted?” He wagged a finger at Grant. “We’ll not be leavin’ yer twin in the lurch, ye ken. I willna be havin’ it.”

Grant shot his brother an incredulous look. “Did you really discuss this with Angus before you spoke with me?”

Graeme rolled his eyes. “Of course not.”

Angus dragged a padded bench over to join them. “Och, I raised ye both. I know what ye both are thinkin’ before ye do.”

That was sadly true.

“Yes, Grandda, I’m staying,” Grant said.