Kathleen almost gaped at him.

Sabrina, as usual, smoothly covered the awkward moment.

“My dear David, thank you so much for your help.” She rose to give the vicar her hand. “We’re ever so grateful.”

“Can’t Mr. Brown stay for dinner?” Jeannie asked in a plaintive voice. “He’s had a trying day too, you know.”

“Er,” Sabrina said in hesitation, as Brown looked at her hopefully.

They were interrupted by the fortuitous appearance of Angus, carrying a small bundle wrapped in a gaily colored tartan plaid. Sadly, the bundle was emitting considerable and decidedly unhappy noises.

“The laddie’s awake,” Angus said. “And he’s a wee bit chippy.”

“Oh, dear.” Sabrina hurried over. “He’s been colicky, poor love.”

She took the bundle from Angus, murmuring soothing coos as she expertly rocked him in her arms. Unfortunately, the wailing only grew louder.

Jeannie scrunched up her nose. “Do all colicky babies cry like that?”

“I’m afraid so,” Graeme said, raising his voice over the racket.

The vicar looked appropriately sympathetic. “Poor little tyke.”

“It’s the wind,” Angus said. “It’ll pass.”

Graeme winked at his grandfather. “Literally, one hopes.”

“Takes after his da,” Angus commented. “Graeme was always a windy one. All but blew the puir nursemaids out of the room.”

He punctuated that bon mot by providing a verbal approximation of such windiness.

“I reallymustbe going, Lady Kendrick,” the vicar quickly said as he turned three shades of red.

Sabrina gave him a pained smile. “Graeme, please show David out.”

“Not necessary.” Brown was now backing toward the door. “Miss Calvert, I hope to see you—”

The baby suddenly emitted a sound that remarkably echoed his great-grandfather’s verbal effort.

Brown turned and fled.

“Goodbye,” Kathleen called after him. “Thank . . . oh, well, I suppose I’ll have to thank him later.”

“Grandda, that was quite rude,” Sabrina sternly said.

“It was a bit much, even for you,” Graeme added.

Angus shrugged. “Did the trick, though. Yon parson couldn’t wait to escape.”

“Finally,” Grant said.

Sabrina jiggled the crying baby. “David is a very nice man, if a bit earnest.”

“And thatnice manhas a schoolboy crush on my wife,” Graeme said. “Which is more than a little annoying.”

“Nonsense, dear. And David is an excellent vicar.”

“Excellent at unexpectedly calling at dinnertime,” her husband replied.