“Out of the carriage, now,” shouted a muffled voice.

As Grant reached for the door handle, he glanced at Kathleen. “I mean it. Keep quiet, all right?”

His repeated warning was slightly irritating, especially since she didn’t feel the tiniest inclination to say anything to a highwayman. Her only plan was to keep her sister safe.

Grant cautiously opened the door. He muttered a quiet curse before stepping out and clicking the carriage door shut behind him.

“Stay right there, mate,” someone barked.

“I’ve no plans to run off, since you’re holding a pistol on me,” Grant replied. “Now, who is in charge of this misadventure? The sooner we can conclude our business, the better.”

Kathleen blinked. Grant was a quiet man, even self-effacing. And certainly no one would ever call him a snob. Right now, though, he sounded both imperious and righteously offended.

Even though Jeannie was huddled against her, Kathleen shifted closer to the window. If she leaned forward enough, she could see him.

Grant looked as haughty and irritated as he’d sounded. He also seemed entirely in control by his demeanor. It was quite remarkable, since a man with scarf wrapped around his face held a pistol just six inches from Grant’s nose.

“That’s our lad,” Angus said as he too looked out. “He’ll soon have this sorted.”

Kathleen practically plastered her ear to the glass. “They’re arguing.”

“Nae, they’re negotiating, lass.” He patted her knee. “It’s all just part of the game, ye ken.”

It didn’t seem like a game, since the argument seemed to be growing more heated. And from the tone of Grant’s voice, it was clear he was frustrated.

“What’s going to happen to us?” Jeannie whispered. The poor girl was as pale as a slipper moon, and her pupils had dilated with fear.

“Nothing, dearest,” Kathleen said in a soothing voice. “Mr. Kendrick will protect us.”

Angus patted Jeannie’s knee. “Och, they’ll just take a bit of blunt and be on their way.”

Kathleen jerked back when Grant opened the carriage door. His gaze had narrowed to fiery green slits, and his features were tight with anger.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to get out.” His calm voice was at odds with his furious expression.

Angus made a disgusted noise. “Bloody idiots, I ken?”

“Ye ken correctly,” Grant replied.

A large figure loomed behind him and jabbed a pistol into the back of Grant’s skull.

“Get ’em out now,” growled the man, “or I’ll blow your bloody brains all over the inside of this fancy carriage.”

Kathleen gasped. Grant, however, simply looked massively annoyed.

“If you will cease jabbing that blasted weapon at my head,” he replied, “I will be able to step back so the others can alight.”

“Bloody pounce,” the man snarled as he stepped back. “I oughta blow yer brains out.”

Grant moved aside to let Angus climb out. Then he reached in to help Kathleen and Jeannie down.

Jeannie, however, huddled against Kathleen, refusing to move.

“Dearest, we have no choice,” Kathleen whispered.

Jeannie buried her face in Kathleen’s shoulder. “No.”

“Jeanette, look at me,” Grant said.