The threat was uttered in a calm yet utterly terrifying tone. Trim took another step back.

“Aboot bloody time ye showed up, laddie,” Angus said.

Turning around, Kathleen got quite the shock. Grant’s gaze was as terrifying as his tone. Daggers practically shot out of his eyes and drilled into Trim’s balding skull.

Hastily, Kathleen dragged Jeannie out of the way.

“Don’t . . . don’t threaten me, Kendrick,” Trim spluttered.

Grant’s gaze flickered off to the side. “Please put that away. It is not required.”

“Spoilsport.” Gillian slipped a small, wicked-looking blade back into her boot.

“That’s a dandy little shiv,” Angus said in an admiring tone.

“Isn’t it?” Gillian affably responded.

Trim stared at her in disbelief. “You . . . you pulled a knife on me? I will have you arrested as soon as the constable arrives.”

“I don’t see a knife,” Grant said. “Kade, do you see a knife?”

Kade shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t even know what we’re talking about at this point.”

Trim waved a hand at Jeannie. “This girl attacked me—that is what we’re talking about.Andmy house was damaged and my poor father scared out of his wits.”

Grant looked to Kathleen for clarification.

“Jeannie accidentally hit a cricket ball through Mr. Trim’s window,” she said.

Grant’s calm deserted him. Now he looked massively annoyed. “And that’s what prompted an all-out melee in the park?”

“I did apologize. And I was offering to pay for any damages when—”

“When that nasty little hoyden kicked me,” Trim interrupted.

Gillian shook her head. “I amdefinitelygoing to stab you.”

Beneath Trim’s outraged bluster about constables and arrests, Kathleen heard Grant blow out a sigh.

“Your Grace, it might be best if you returned to the house,” he said.

Trim paused in his tirade. “Your Grace?”

“I take it you have not been formally introduced to the Duchess of Leverton?” Grant’s tone was as dry as three-day-old toast.

Gillian swept a mocking curtsy. “Charmed, I’m sure.”

Trim blinked. He’d obviously forgotten there was a duchess staying at Kendrick House, albeit an unconventional one.

“Angus, please take the duchess back to the house,” Grant said.

Gillian scoffed. “I’m staying right here.”

“No, you’re not,” Grant replied.

The two locked gazes. Much to Kathleen’s surprise, Gillian capitulated with a sardonic snort.

“Oh, very well,” she said. “You clearly want to impress Kathleen, so I’ll leave you to it.”