“My former governess, Mrs. Clyde, could stay with me. That would be perfectly respectable.”

“No. She was incapable of controlling you then, and I have no faith in her ability to do so now,” Helen said.

One of the first actions Helen took after marrying Papa was to give the boot to Rebecca Foster, Kathleen’s beloved governess. Fortunately, Rebecca had soon met and wed Mr. Clyde, a well-regarded barrister from Dublin, and she and Kathleen had remained close. She was certain Rebecca would willingly chaperone her for a spell.

She prepared to dig in her heels, becausethiswas worth fighting for. “Perhaps I could stay in Dublin for a—”

A muffled yelp sounded from the hall. The parlor door flew open and in strode a tall young woman, dressed in the first kick of fashion. Their butler fluttered in her wake, wringing his hands.

Gillian Penley, Duchess of Leverton, came to a halt in the middle of the room and cast an amused gaze over the stunned Goreys. Then she winked at Kathleen.

“And how is the Gorey family on this fine day? It’s a perfect one for managing a scandal, don’t you think?”

Chapter Two

Kathleen’s stepmother recovered first, if bristling like a hedgehog could be called a recovery. “Jensen, what is the meaning of this? We are notat homethis morning.”

Their poor butler looked ready to cast up his crumpets. “My . . . my lady, I tried to explain to Her Grace, but—”

“Her Grace wouldn’t listen,” the duchess cheerfully interrupted. “And there’s no point in pretending you don’t need my help.”

“Your kindness is duly noted,” Helen frostily replied. “But the situation is a private matter, and entirely in hand.”

Gillian thoughtfully tapped her chin. “My husband does not share your assessment. The duke isdreadfullyconcerned about our dear Kathleen, which is why he asked me to rush over to lend a hand. And here I am, ready and willing to help.”

Given the Duke of Leverton’s well-known aversion to scandal, Kathleen strongly suspected that lending a hand had been Gillian’s idea. Still, His Grace was a powerful man, and Kathleen could only be grateful for his support.

Papa scrambled to his feet. “Your Grace, do forgive us. We’re simply surprised to see you under the, uh, present circumstances. And so promptly, too.”

Helen, recalled to her manners, rose to dip a shallow curtsy. “Indeed. We were not expecting callers so early in the day.”

“Drat,” Kathleen muttered. “The gossips are already making their rounds.”

Gillian waggled a hand. “Barely, but there’s no time to waste. We must come up with a plan.”

Five years Kathleen’s senior, Gillian was the illegitimate daughter of one of the royal dukes. She was raised on a remote estate in Sicily, and when she finally returned home to England, she’d struggled under the restrictions of London society. The distinguished tutelage of Charles Penley, Duke of Leverton, however, had allowed Gillian to adapt to the trickier elements of her new life. Even more importantly, Leverton had fallen madly in love with his erstwhile pupil. Gillian, now a wife and the mother of two adorable children, had become one of the most formidable and unconventional women in theton.

Kathleen adored the duchess, now a fast and loyal friend.

Helen glanced at her daughters, who were staring at Gillian with dumbfounded expressions. “Girls, please stand and greet Her Grace.”

Cara rose and dipped into an elegant curtsy. “Forgive me, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to see you, as always.”

“Probably not this morning, Cara, but it’s sweet of you to say so.”

“Your Grace,” Jeannie said shyly, managing an awkward curtsy.

Gillian’s answering smile was kind. “Ah, Jeanette, you’ve certainly grown since I last saw you, and you’re as beautiful as your sisters. You must have legions of suitors already.”

“I’m not out yet. Besides, I don’t see many boys. And they can be . . .” Jeannie frowned.

“Confusing?” Gillian ventured. “They certainly can be.”

“I prefer horses, to tell you the truth,” Jeannie confessed.

“Personally, I find horses are more trainable than the average male,” Gillian replied. “And more intelligent, in some cases.”

Jeannie giggled. So did Cara, although she did her best to suppress it once she caught sight of her mother’s expression.