When another scuffling noise sounded above their heads, they exchanged a glance.

“On second thought . . .” Grant started to climb the stairs.

Kade stuck his head through the trapdoor. “I’m sending Jeannie down. Stand by the bottom of the steps, will you?”

“Aye, that.” Grant stood on the bottom rung, waiting for her.

Jeannie’s feet and skirts appeared a moment later, as she lowered herself through the trap. Grant grasped her waist and handed her down to the floor. Kathleen couldn’t help noting that her sister looked very put out.

“Did you enjoy the view?” Grant asked.

“No,” Jeannie snapped.

Kathleen frowned. “Dearest, Mr. Kendrick was simply—”

“Leave off, Kath, would you?”

Jeannie turned on her boot heel and headed down to the lower level in a huff.

“Careful,” Kathleen called after her.

By this time, Kade had clambered down the stairs.

Grant rested a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Everything all right, lad?”

Kade grimaced at Kathleen. “I’m so sorry. Ididactually try to show her the view and talk about the castle’s history.”

“Tried to kiss you, did she?” asked Grant.

Kade flushed bright red, looking more like a guilty schoolboy than the accomplished young man he was.

“Sorry,” he said again to Kathleen.

“I’m the one who should be apologizing to you, Kade.” She pointed a finger at Grant. “I told you.”

“And I’m sorry I didn’t take it seriously. Our Jeannie was even more assertive than I imagined.”

“I almost fell over the parapet when she went to kiss me,” Kade admitted.

Kathleen was torn between laughter and irritation at the ridiculous situation. “Oh, dear, that’s dreadful.”

“Well, no real harm done, except to the poor girl’s pride,” Grant said. “Try not to worry, Kade.”

“I hated hurting her feelings.”

Grant pulled him in for a brief hug. “Aye, but the truth had to come from you, I’m afraid. She probably wouldn’t have listened to anyone else. This I know from sad experience, ye ken.”

“Someone gave you the boot, did she?” Kathleen asked.

“You have no idea,” he dryly replied.

And, now, she was insanely curious to know what kind of woman would pitch over Grant Kendrick.

“Should I apologize to her?” Kade asked.

Kathleen shook her head. “That would just embarrass her even more.”

“Go rustle up Angus and have him play chaperone,” Grant said. “And have Mrs. Graham fetch Jeannie a nice, calming cup of tea. Then tell our coachman to ready the carriage to go home.”