Kade smiled. “Only the best cake shop in Scotland.”

“From what I hear about Scottish cuisine, that’s not saying much,” Gillian teased.

Angus pointed his pipe at Gillian. “I’ll nae have ye disparaging our pastries, ye saucySassenach,even if ye are a duchess.”

Gillian heaved a dramatic sigh. “Is it to be pistols at dawn, then?”

“We could take the ladies up to Mugdock one day,” Grant unexpectedly said.

Kathleen mentally blinked at that, and because he was now staring directly at her. “Mugdock? That sounds . . .”

“Disgusting,” Gillian put in.

Kathleen rolled her eyes. “I was about to saynice.”

Actually, she hadn’t been sure how to respond, since the sudden intensity in Grant’s eyes had again momentarily flustered her.

Angus nodded his approval. “The ladies will love Mugdock.”

Jeannie looked doubtful. “What is it?”

“The ancestral home of Clan Graham,” Kade explained. “And one of the oldest castles in the district.”

Jeannie brightened. “That sounds lovely, and very romantic.”

“I’d say interesting rather than romantic,” Grant said. “But it’s got tremendous history and excellent views of the countryside.”

“Just about any place can be romantic with the right sort of company,” Gillian said. Then she turned to Kathleen with a sly smile. “Don’t you agree, pet?”

It was all Kathleen could do to keep her jaw from sagging open at her friend’s astounding lack of subtlety.

“No,” she bluntly replied.

When Grant’s expressive eyebrows ticked up, she repressed a grimace.

You are an absolute ninny.

Her sister came to her rescue, apparently unintentionally.

“Is the castle haunted?” Jeannie asked.

Kade waggled a hand. “Maybe.”

“No,” Grant said at the same time.

Jeannie wrinkled her nose in disappointment.

“But the views truly are spectacular,” Grant added, by way of consolation.

When Jeannie snorted, Kathleen almost felt sorry for the poor man.

“It does have a bloodthirsty weapons collection,” Kade said. “Positively gruesome.”

Gillian winked at Jeannie. “Now, that sounds promising, doesn’t it?”

Jeannie beamed, her good humor restored.

“It sounds fascinating,” Kathleen said. “I’d love to visit.”