Good God.

She’d done it again. Even Jeannie was looking appalled by her inane remarks.

Grant simply continued to study her, as if she were some minor but annoying problem to be resolved.

“What I meant,” she said, “is that you’re obviously very busy. We would just be gadding about town, which would of course be a waste of your time. Your very busy time,” she added after a fraught pause.

“It’s true that I am especially busy right now,” he politely replied.

Kathleen decided she didn’t like his bland voice, where his brogue faded away. His brogue wasn’t boring.

“Well, then, we’ll be sure not to pester you,” she brightly responded.

“Och, that’s nonsense,” Angus piped up. “Grant will be happy to escort ye about town. It’s nae proper or safe for ladies to be wanderin’ aboot by themselves. Ye’ll nae be wantin’ to wander into the fleshpots, ye ken.”

“Grandda, there really aren’t many fleshpots in Glasgow,” Kade said.

“Even if there were, I need neither a chaperone nor protection,” Gillian interjected.

“Yes, but the citizens of Glasgow might need protection from you,” Kathleen teased. “You’re positively dangerous under the right circumstances.”

Victoria chuckled. “I’m sure those stories are quite blown out of proportion.”

“Not according to my twin,” Grant said.

Gillian aimed a finger at him. “That’s enough out of you, laddie boy.”

“Angus is correct, however,” Victoria said. “You should have an escort when I can’t go about with you.”

“I’m sure Grandda would be happy to do it,” Grant said.

His grandfather waved his pipe, scattering ashes on his lap. “Aye, delighted, but I fancy the ladies would much rather have a braw lad like yerself.”

“I wouldn’t wish to clash with Miss Calvert’s dress,” Grant said. “Besides, Kade is much better company than I am.”

“That’s a low bar, since you lock yourself away in that dreary office all the time,” Kade said.

“Says the lad who spends hours on his music.”

Victoria held up a hand. “You both work too hard. It’s quite ridiculous.”

“Agreed,” said Royal. “An outing with the ladies would do you both a world of good. Perhaps even two outings. Yes, I know,” he continued when Grant frowned at him. “Fresh air, and during daylight hours. How shocking a concept.”

“Ye may recall I’m a wee bit busy right now, thanks to ye,” Grant tartly replied.

The lovely brogue was back, and stronger than ever. No doubt it had surfaced because he was annoyed at the prospect of spending time with her.

Lord Arnprior shook his head. “I find it appalling that any Kendrick male would hesitate to leap at the chance to escort such lovely ladies.”

“Quite right, Nicholas,” Gillian said. “You’d think we were a trio of madwomen escaped from Bedlam.”

“To be fair,” Kathleen said, “that’s not quite an inaccurate description for the three of us.”

Thankfully, almost everyone laughed, as she’d intended. Even Mr. Stodgy and Stoic Grant Kendrick cracked a smile.

“Perhaps Grandda and I could take you for a drive around Glasgow tomorrow,” said Kade. “We could point out the highlights and then go for pastries at Monroe’s.”

“What’s Monroe’s?” Jeannie asked.