“If you don’t stop saying that, I will bash you,” Kathleen whispered back.

“Kade,” said Grant, who’d taken a seat across from them. “Perhaps you could set up the card table for a round of whist. I heard the duchess remark that she’d like to play a hand.”

“Right-o,” said the young man.

Jeannie pulled a face at losing the object of her adoration, while Kathleen turned to direct a grateful smile at Grant. Unfortunately, he’d already stood and was going over to join Royal.

“How did things go at the office today, Grant?” Royal asked.

That prompted the men to launch into an animated discussion of problems with shipping supplies to the new whisky distillery at Lochnagar Manor. Grant came alive, his gestures growing more dramatic and his brogue more pronounced. His green gaze glittered with quick intelligence as he responded to questions and comments.

His sudden passion rendered him evenmoreattractive, even if it was only in the service of growing the family fortune. No wonder she’d bored him at dinner. She should have asked him about the latest accounting methods if she’d wished to attract his attention.

Victoria shook her head with humorous exasperation. “The lads are always like that when they start on business. Not Kade, though. His great interest is music.”

“He’s a very talented pianist, isn’t he?” Jeannie inquired. “I hope I get to hear him play.”

“Since he practices at least five hours a day, you will certainly get the chance.”

“He’s not the only talented musician in the family, I understand,” Kathleen said.

Victoria waved a hand. “I’m an amateur. Kade is genuinely brilliant.”

“Yes, but you were his music teacher,” Gillian said.

“He quickly outshone me. In fact, he’s been asked by the king to play a series of concerts in London. Then he wishes to go to Italy for further study. Both Rome and Venice. Then, who knows?”

Jeannie clasped her hands reverently to her chest. “That means he’ll be coming to London. I do hope I’ll be able to see him then.”

“I certainly envy him a trip to Italy,” Kathleen put in. “I’ve always wanted to visit Rome.”

Victoria pulled a slight grimace. “Such a nomadic life is not what we wish for him, but his talent is undeniable. It would be cruel to try to keep him from doing what he loves.”

Kathleen could certainly understand that. “It’s wonderful that you don’t stand in his way. It’s . . . it’s very hard to be denied the chance to do what you love.”

“And what do you love doing, Miss Calvert?” asked a deep voice from the side.

Kathleen almost toppled from her seat. She’d not even noticed Grant rejoin them.

Gillian hopped up from the chaise. “Grant, sit next to Kathleen. I wish to ask his lordship a question.”


That her friend was playing matchmaker was now thoroughly confirmed. The fact that she and Grant were clearly unmatchable should be obvious to anyone.

When he started to sit, Kathleen held up a hand. “Best not.”

He blinked. “Why not?”

“Your hair will clash with my dress.”

When he stared at her with mild incredulity, Kathleen wanted to bite her tongue. The dratted man was truly scrambling her brain.

Suddenly he unleashed a smile that had her staring at him like a ninny. He had an absolutely riveting smile.

“As long as we’re not seen together in public, I believe we should be fine,” he said, taking a seat.

“Not being seen together shouldn’t be a problem, I would think.”