When Grant’s expression turned blank, she winced.

“Present company excepted, of course,” she hastily added.

“Of course,” he said.

“Shall we go in to dinner?” the countess brightly suggested.

“I’d hold up on that for a wee bit, lassie.”

Angus had slipped into the room, wearing a sheepish expression.

The countess narrowed her gaze. “Grandda, what have you done now?”

“Not me,” the old man said in a defensive tone. “It was Nancy. She got ahold of a wee little dish in the pantry. Nothin’ to speak of, ye ken.”

Lord Arnprior shook his head. “Can you not keep that little hellion under control?”

“She’s nae hellion,” Angus protested. “Just high-spirited.”

“Grandda, Nancy is a disaster on four legs,” Grant said.

“Who’s Nancy?” Jeannie asked.

“Another one of Grandda’s terriers,” Kade explained. “She’s only a year old, so her manners aren’t very good yet.”

“I think we can all agree that none of your grandfather’s dogs have very good manners,” Lady Arnprior tartly added.

The butler stepped in, a pained expression on his dignified features. “I beg your pardon, my lady, but dinner will be delayed. There has been anincidentin the pantry.”

“Yes, so we just heard.” The countess sighed. “How bad is it, then?”

“The kitchen maid and the junior footman attempted to retrieve tonight’s joint of beef from Nancy, giving chase.”

“I take it they were not successful,” Grant dryly said.

“The footmanquitefoolishly tripped over Nancy when she swerved during the chase. He then compounded the error by knocking over the table with the soup tureenandthe fish course.”

“How very clumsy of him,” Gillian said, trying not to grin.

“Words fail me, Your Grace,” said Henderson, looking cut to the soul.

By now, Royal, Kade, and Jeannie were all laughing, and Kathleen was doing her best not to aggravate the situation by joining them.

Grant simply crossed his arms and shook his head at his grandfather.

“It’s nae my fault, ye ken,” Angus said, protesting the silent reprimand.

The countess glared at him. “It’sentirelyyour fault. I take it Cook is in hysterics?” she asked Henderson.

“Smelling salts have been applied, but to little effect.”

At that, even Lord Arnprior couldn’t hold back laughter.

His wife pointed a finger. “This is no laughing matter, Nicholas.”

“Of course not, my love,” he said in a choked voice.

“Grant is the only man in this house with any sense,” she said with disgust. “And the only one who will get any dinner, if I have my way. Come along, Henderson. We must do our best to restore order.”