The Kendricks were certainly a handsome lot, although none that she’d met were as intensely masculine as Grant.

Don’t be a ninny. You barely had two minutes with the man.

“None of thatYour Gracenonsense, if you please,” Gillian said. “You Kendricks certainly don’t stand on ceremony, and neither do I.”

“Hmm,” Kathleen said. “I think I’ve heard that about you.” She snapped her fingers. “Oh, right, from your husband.”

Gillian snorted. “Cheeky lass.”

“I’ve heard that before, too.”

Royal laughed. “I take it you’ve recovered from the rigors of your trip, Miss Calvert?”

“Yes, thanks to Lady Arnprior and her excellent housekeeper.”

“My excellent housekeeper will be pitching a fit if we don’t get in to dinner,” the countess said. “Where is Grant? And please don’t tell me he snuck back to work again.”

“Does he do that often?” Kathleen couldn’t help asking.

“Grant hates dinner parties,” Kade said. “He says they’re a waste of time.”

Gillian laughed. “That’s rather insulting, given that we’re the dinner party tonight.”

“It’s also completely untrue,” said the topic of discussion as he walked into the room. “I only hate boring dinner parties. And from what Graeme has told me, the Duchess of Leverton is definitely not boring. In fact, he said she isthemost interesting woman in London.”

For a few moments, all Kathleen could do was stare. She’d thought Grant Kendrick handsome before, dressed as an ordinary businessman. Now, garbed in stark black and white evening kit, he looked spectacular.

Gillian scoffed. “He only says that because he destroyed a very expensive Chinese screen at one of my parties. He’s still trying to make it up to me.”

“I remember that night,” Kathleen said. “He’d caught someone trying to cheat an elderly lady at cards, as I recall.”

“Yes. Graeme was quite . . .”

“‘Fashed’ is the word you’re searching for,” Grant said in a wry tone.

“Exactly. My screen also became quite fashed, since your twin tossed the cheater right into it,” Gillian replied.

“That’s our Graeme,” Royal said.

“I thought it one of the most entertaining parties in quite some time, actually,” Kathleen said.

Gillian laughed. “My poor husband did not entirely agree.”

“Sabrina’s calmed the lad down,” Royal said. “Wives tend to do that sort of thing.”

“Depends on the wife,” Gillian quipped.

“Which is why you won’t be bored tonight,” Kathleen said to Grant. “Gillian won’t allow it.”

Something sparked to life in Grant’s expression as his gaze flickered over her. Something that looked like ... interest.

“I suspect you wouldn’t allow it either, Miss Calvert.”

He had a lovely voice. Deep and warm, with a slightly rough edge that almost made her shiver.

Almost, because shivering over a man’s voice would be ridiculous.

“It’s more of a challenge than one would expect,” she replied. “Most people are awfully dreary, you know.”