She gave him an encouraging smile. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

Graeme extracted a key from an inside pocket. “I would.”

Sabrina didn’t bother to hold back an aggrieved sigh. Really, men could besuchblockheads.

When he opened the door, he breathed out another curse.

“Now what’s wrong?” she asked.


She didn’t need to guess, because both Ainsley and Angus were standing in the entrance hall, clearly waiting for them. And wasn’t that just jolly splendid?

Ainsley rushed over to greet them. “Finally! We were expecting you ages ago. I was afraid something had happened.”

Angus inspected his grandson’s rather disheveled state. “Looks like something did happen,” he dryly commented.

Sabrina forced a smile. “It’s beenquitethe lively morning. Mr. Kendrick had to deal with some very bad characters.”

“Who apparently didn’t like his neckcloth,” Ainsley said. “Or your hat, dearest.”

When Sabrina reached up, she found her straw hat tipped halfway off her head. “How did that happen?” She hastily straightened it.

“I can hazard a guess,” Angus said.

“Just don’t, Grandda,” Graeme snapped. “I’m going upstairs to change and try to forget this morning ever happened.”

“We did save two children, you know,” Sabrina called after him as he stalked off. “That’s worth remembering.”

She’d found their kiss memorable, too. Sadly, he did not seem to agree.

Graeme cast her an irate glance over his shoulder, then bounded up the stairs and disappeared.

“I’d best go see why the lad is so fashed,” Angus said.

Ainsley threw a meaningful glance in Sabrina’s direction. “As if we don’t already know.”

“Aye, but Kendrick men, ye ken. They canna get it right the first time.”

Sabrina frowned. “Get what right the first time?”

The old fellow chuckled. “Ye’ll find out soon enough, lass.” Then he clattered up the stairs after his grandson.

Ainsley turned to her. “Now you can tell me exactly what pitched Graeme into such a lather.”

Sabrina held up her hands. “I’m not really sure. One minute we were arguing, and the next minute we were . . .”


“It didn’t last very long,” she said in a rueful tone.

Ainsley scoffed. “Angus is right. Kendrick men are so thickheaded that it’s a miracle they manage to get married, much less reproduce.”

“You and Royal managed it.”

“My husband is the only man in this family with any brains. After all, he fell in love with me, didn’t he?”

“I do not believe that Graeme is in any danger of falling in love with me, however.”