“And we can see that other fellow creepin’ along the side,” Jackie said, as if reading her thoughts. “I got other men in here, ye ken. Best not be tryin’ to pull a fast one, lassie.”

“I simply wish to pay you off and see you gone from Lochnagar,” Sabrina replied. “If you bring Mr. Kendrick out, I will do just that.”

“Ye have the money?”

Sabrina pulled a wad of notes from her reticule.

“How much?”

“Fifty pounds.”

Jackie sneered. “Ye’ll need to do better than that.”

“I also have jewelry—two gold bracelets and an opal necklace.”

“Hand ’em over.”

“Not until you bring Mr. Kendrick out.”

Jackie suddenly peered beyond her into the gloom. “Where’s Magnus, by the way? What did ye do with him?”

“Not a damn thing,” said Chattan, suddenly looming out of the dark. He strolled up beside Sabrina.

For such an ancient, he was certainly spry. And very stealthy.

“Oh, hell, not ye,” Jackie groaned. “Where’s my cousin, ye old coot?”

“Kept him as a hostage,” Chattan said. “Just to make sure ye held to yer word.”

Of course, Magnus had been pathetically grateful to play the role of hostage, so as to avoid the confrontation with his cousin.

“He’s useless, anyway. Yer welcome to him.”

“Magnus is certainly well rid of you,” Sabrina said. “Now, if you want your ransom, bring Mr. Kendrick out. This episode is growing quite tiresome.”

Jackie tipped his hat in a mocking salute. “As ye say, yer ladyship. Bring him out,” he called over his shoulder.

A gangly and exceedingly nervous lad led his captive out to the porch. Sabrina winced when she saw Graeme’s arms so tightly lashed behind his back.

“Och, Dickie,” Chattan said with disgust. “What have ye gotten yerself into?”

“I dinna ken, Mr. Chattan—”

“Shut yer trap, boy,” growled Jackie. “And stay right there with that bloody great bloke.”

Sabrina anxiously studied Graeme for any sign of injury. He was disheveled and grim-looking, but mostly seemed unhurt.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Aye, but you shouldnotbe here.”

“Mr. Barr’s instructions were very clear.”

“You didn’t have to follow them.”

She scoffed. “I couldn’t let him hurt you.”

“Save yer lover’s tiff for later,” Jackie ordered. “Now, bring me the ransom.”