“Are you sure, dearest?” Sabrina asked. “I don’t want to put you in danger.”

“Just to be clear, pet, I’m not the one in danger. That would be you.”

Sabrina grimaced. “Yes, well—”

“Which is why you’re returning to Edinburgh,” Graeme cut in. “I’ve spoken to the Kendrick staff, and they can be ready to leave before lunch. I’ve also instructed Hannah to begin packing your things.”

Irritation tightened Sabrina’s stomach. “You certainly had no right to do that.”

“I have every right. I’m going to be your husband, and it’s my job to protect you.”

“Thank you, but—”

“It would be my duty to protect you, anyway,” he added.

“Your job, you mean,” she groused.

“It’s more than a job, but yes. Can you imagine what your father would say if he knew there’d been not one, but two attempts on your life?”

“We have no idea if what happened last night was an attempt. As for the shooting incident, that entire episode still strikes me as very odd.”

“Yes, I’ve always found it odd when people shoot at innocent young women,” Graeme said.

“There’s no need for sarcasm, sir. Even you must admit the shooter was inept. Those shots went wide by a good ten feet. I know because I measured them.”

“And when did you go down and perform these measurements?” Graeme asked in a rather bone-chilling voice.

“Before dinner last night,” Sabrina said.

“Don’t look at me,” Ainsley said when Graeme scowled at her. “I didn’t know about it.”

“I didn’t go alone,” Sabrina added. “I brought Mr. Wilson and Brian with me. Wilson helped me perform the measurements, and Brian kept a lookout.”

Graeme covered his eyes with a hand. “A stable boy and an old man. That is just splendid.”

“Nothing happened. And I wanted a closer look.”

“Sabrina, it’s no surprise the shots went wide, since there was no close protection where the shooter could hide. He had to take his chances from that stand of trees, a good hundred feet away. He’d have to be a very good shot to hit the mark.”

Sabrina could not help feeling irritated by his rather sound logic. “But both shots went almostidenticallywide.”

Graeme simply shrugged, obviously unimpressed withherlogic.

“Maybe they were shooting at you,” she couldn’t help saying.

“Don’t be silly.”

Royal sighed. “Let’s all admit to being silly this morning, shall we? But truly, Sabrina, it might be best if you and Ainsley returned to the city. Someone is definitely playing ugly bugger.”

“Yes, but if someoneishell-bent on revenge, what’s to stop them from attacking me on the road? After all, they know I’m here, and why wouldn’t they be watching us?”

“That’s why Royal is going back with you,” Graeme said. “Along with our groom and footman to guard you.”

Sabrina stared at him, aghast. “And leave you unprotected? Absolutely not.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You will be a target, skulking about in unfriendly territory.” She shook her head. “I refuse to turn tail and run. If you wish to send for additional men to help guard the estate, please do so. But I am not leaving you here on your own.”