Carefully, he sat up, bringing her with him. “Not really, mostly my elbows and arse. Are you all right?”

“You’re a very effective cushion. Let me look at your arms.”

She twisted around to get a look at one of his elbows. The skin had split and was bleeding.

“That needs to be cleaned and bandaged,” she fretted.

“Lass, it’s nothing.”

He was staring grimly at the massive canopy, splintered at the edges but mostly still in one heavy piece.

Sabrina closed her eyes and leaned against him, feeling faint. If he’d not had such quick reflexes . . .

He cuddled her. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

She opened her eyes and forced a smile. “Just rather stunned, and grateful not to be as flat as a griddlecake.”

They heard a rush of footsteps in the hall before someone banged on the door.

“Sabrina, what happened? Are you all right?” called Royal.

“We’re fine,” barked Graeme. “Just give us a moment.”

“Sabrina, I’m coming in,” Ainsley said through the door.

“Wait,” Sabrina shrieked.

Graeme winced. “Och, lass, my ears.”

“Sorry.” She patted his cheek before scrambling to her feet. “Wait a moment, Ainsley. I’m coming.”

She retrieved her wrapper. Graeme pulled on his shirt before grabbing the blanket they’d kicked to the floor and wrapping it around his waist.

“My breeches are under that bloody canopy,” he said with a grimace.

“Will you two open up?” Royal ordered.

Sabrina hurried to the door, opening it enough to look out. Royal had thrown on breeches and a shirt, while Ainsley was dressed in a rather ugly flannel wrapper.

Sabrina blinked at her. “You, in flannel?”

“One always wears flannel in the Highlands, dear.”

“Can we postpone the fashion discussion,” Royal impatiently said. “What the hell was that noise? And what the hell is Graeme doing in your room?”

Ainsley’s gaze flickered over Sabrina. “I think we know the answer to question two.”

Before Sabrina could respond, Davey came rushing down the hall. The footman was fully dressed and carried a pistol.

“Everything all right, Mr. Royal? I heard a terrible crash.”

Sabrina leaned out a bit, still keeping the door mostly closed. “Everything’s fine. Part of my bedframe collapsed.”

When Ainsley bit her lip, obviously trying not to laugh, Sabrina scowled at her. “It’s not what you think.”

“If you say so.”

“It’s fine, Davey,” Royal said. “Go back downstairs.”