He leaned down to nuzzle her lips. Sabrina’s eyes drifted to half-mast as she rested her hands on his broad shoulders. His skin was hot under her fingers, the muscles as hard as rock.

“And I like it when you make noise,” he added, waggling his eyebrows. “Feel free to scream, in fact.”

“I amnotthe screaming type, sir.”

His emerald gaze glittered. “Oh, I do love a challenge.”

Sabrina lifted her chin, trying to look pert. Inside, she was a bundle of nerves and excitement. Because, really, what could be more exciting than Graeme Kendrick making love to you?

“Challenge accepted, Mr. Kendrick.”

His sudden grin should have warned her. The next moment, he had her flat on her back, and was standing between her legs. He swooped down and sucked on her nipple through the fabric of her chemise.

Sabrina gasped at the hot, wet feel of his mouth. Within seconds, she was writhing beneath him. When he gently bit down, she almostdidscream. It was the most incredible sensation she’d ever felt.

Graeme pulled back, his hands propped on either side of her shoulders. “Just think how that will feel when you’re naked.”

She sucked in a wavering breath. “I’m still not going to scream.”

“Lassie, you’re going to be screaming down the rafters before the night is out.”

“You are a truly dreadful man.”

He grinned and straightened up, her wrapper a crumpled ball in his hand. “Let’s get you out of that chemise and prove just how dreadful I am.”

She struggled up into a sitting position. “All right, but you’re making an absolute mess out of that very expensive robe of mine.”

He shook it out before turning to carefully drape it across a nearby chair. When the light from the crackling fire caught his back, gleaming on his bronzed skin, Sabrina let out a gasp—and not one of pleasure.

Graeme quickly turned back. “What’s wrong?”

She had to swallow before she could answer. “Your scar.”

He grimaced and reached for his shirt. “Sorry. I forget how gruesome it looks.”

She scrambled off the bed. “No, let me see.”



She gently ran her fingers over the thick scar, where the knife had sliced into his body. Although fully healed, the flesh was still puckered and red, and the scar would never truly fade. It would always be a haunting reminder of that grim day.

As she gently pressed her lips to the mangled skin, tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.

“Please dinna cry,” Graeme gruffly said when she straightened up and faced him. “It’s just a stupid, big scratch. I’ll put my shirt on if it bothers ye.”

Sabrina threw her arms around his waist. “I don’t care how it looks, you big idiot. I care that I could have lost you before I even found you.”

“I survived, sweetheart. I’m just fine.”

“You are not to be injured like that again, do you hear? I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.”

He eased her to arm’s length, one eyebrow tilted up. “And now you know how I feel when you throw yourself into harm’s way.”

“Point taken,” she grumbled. Then she gave him a little shake. “But promise you’ll be more careful from now on.”

“I promise I will always come home to you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now, may I suggest we get back to the part where I make you scream?”