Sabrina winced. “Oh, dear. But you prevailed.”

“It was a near thing. Watson got ahold of one of my knives, but I finally managed to kill him.” Graeme let out a weary sigh. “He gave me no choice. The bastard almost took me out.”

Sabrina looked stunned. “Thank goodness you were able to wrest the knife from him.”

“Only after he used it on me.” Graeme hesitated, not wanting to say the words. But he knew he had to tell her everything. “And that’s not how I killed him.”

“Then how . . .”

“I strangled him to death. With my bare hands, and in front of that poor, screaming child, I murdered her father.”

* * *

Horror clouded Sabrina’s brain. But Graeme looked so heartsick, she forced down her roiling emotions. “I’m so sorry you had to suffer such a terrible thing, Graeme.”

“It was the wee lass who suffered. To lose her da like that . . . her screams . . .” He closed his eyes.

The poor man blamed himself. The things he’d seen and done, the weight of it all . . .

Sabrina took his face between her palms. “Look at me, dearest.”

When he opened his eyes, the sorrow in his gaze wrenched her heart.

“You didnotmurder that man,” she said. “You killed a monster and saved a child. By any measure, you did the right thing.”

“The wee lass didn’t think so.” He blew out a disgusted breath. “I should have found a way to get her out of there first, or gone for help. To make sure—”

“Stop. You always blame yourself, and I’m not having it anymore. You’re the bravest, kindest man I know, even if you are pigheaded and high-handed. So enough of this nonsense.”

A tiny smile edged the corners of his mouth. “Pigheaded, am I?”

“And rather thick, if you think this would make me turn away from you. You saved a child from a life of horror and degradation. That is incredible.”

“I just hope she understands that, someday.”

“Is she safe and with her mother?”


“Then she will, when she’s old enough. And even if that child hates you for the rest of her life, it doesn’t matter. Yousavedher. That is what matters.”

He frowned. “I never quite thought of it that way.”

“It’s time you did. And I won’t hear any more bottle-headed notions about your not being good enough for me.I’mnot good enough for you.”

He scoffed. “Don’t be daft.”

She went nose to nose with him, as he’d done to her on more than one occasion. “I love you, Mr. Kendrick. I’d given up hope that there were men like you in the world. I’msohappy to be proven wrong.”

He looked blank for a moment. Then green fire sparked in his gaze. In one graceful movement, he unfolded his legs and stood, pulling her with him. Sabrina found herself swept off her feet and into his arms.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m taking you to try out that ridiculous bed. I just hope I don’t lose sight of you once we get in there.”

She huffed out a laugh. The relief she felt that he’d finally shared his deepest secrets—finally trusted her—was overwhelming. As was her love for him. Being able to say it, straight out, was simply wonderful.

“I must warn you that it’s not very comfortable,” she joked, trying to master her wobbly emotions.