His brother spread his hands. “If she cuts and runs, it could make things worse.”

“If she doesn’t run, she’ll continue to be a damn target.”

“Then we’ll simply have to protect her,” Royal said. “And get this damn situation sorted as quickly as possible.”

Graeme looked at the three of them, all lined up against him. “You’re all deranged.” He pointed at Sabrina. “Especially you.”

Then before his head truly did explode, he turned on his heel and stalked from the room.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Graeme stood in the quiet shadows of the empty corridor. The rest of the house was finally abed, but Sabrina was awake. Light seeped out from under her bedroom door. He suspected she was probably making a list of insults to pile on his head over breakfast.

Every one deserved.

He’d apologized so many times in his life he’d lost count, so it wasn’t the apology that worried him. It was the possible aftermath that had him fashed and hesitating out here in the hall. When she knew everything, she could very well reject him, and that scared the hell out of him.

He rapped on the door, more loudly than he’d intended. Graeme had pursued ruthless killers through London’s rookeries without batting an eyelash, yet now he was acting like an anxious old bachelor. And when the hell had that happened?

When a pretty English lass turned your life upside down.

The lass who’d made his life worth living again.

The door swung open, and Sabrina scowled up at him. “Are you trying to wake the entire household?”

She was dressed in the daintiest wrapper he’d ever seen, a frippery of cambric, lace, and ribbons that skimmed over her lovely curves. Sabrina wouldn’t realize it, of course, but she was backlit by a roaring fire, rendering her robe semitransparent.

She was truly going to kill him.

“Mr. Kendrick, are you going to stand there like a booby all night or say something?”

“Sorry, lass. Didn’t mean to knock so loudly. Maybe my nerves got the best of me.”

“You don’t have any nerves. You are the most insensitive, ill-tempered man in the world.”

Graeme tried to look soulful. “I’m here because I owe you an apology for my insensitive, ill-tempered behavior.”

“And did you come to this decision all on your own?”

“I confess that I had a wee bit of help in that direction.”

She let out a delicate snort. “Ainsley.”

He flashed a smile. “She threatened to shoot me.”

“A forced apology is not welcome.”

When Sabrina started to shut the door, he stuck a booted foot in the gap. “I didn’t need Ainsley to tell me, daft girl. It might surprise you to know I figured out I was a dolt all on my own.”

“Yes, it would surprise me.”

He wedged his foot in a bit more. “May I come in? So as to facilitate the making of the apology?”

“That would hardly be appropriate, sir.”

“That never stopped you before, my lady.”

When she rolled her eyes and swung the door wide, he bit back a smile.