“Sit ye down,” he said, gently steering her back to the chair.

She grumbled a bit but complied, perching on the edge of the seat as she smoothed her pretty blue skirts over her knees. Her hands trembled, just a bit.

Graeme felt ready to jump out of his skin. His stupid brain—along with his cock—was urging him to take her immediately to bed. That would settle both their nerves in no time.

Instead of giving in to his reckless need for her, he moved back to the fireplace and propped a shoulder against the mantel.

“I wish you wouldn’t do that,” Sabrina groused.

“Do what?”

She waved a vague finger. “Stand there, looking so . . . so manly. It’s distracting.”

Graeme bit back a smile. That was the bossy little lass he’d come to love.

His brain tripped.


Yes, he loved Sabrina, and wasn’tthata bloody awful turn of events? He’d known it for days, of course, while doing his best to shove the truth into a deep, dark hole. Now her brave declaration had brought the overwhelming feelings right to the surface.

Feelings. The one thing guaranteed to blow up in his face.

“Well?” she asked. “Are you going to just stand there like a sphinx? I am not leaving this room until I get an answer.”

“Standing here like a sphinx would be my preferred option. But since you insist, I will admit that of course I have feelings for you, goose. I should think I’ve already made it obvious enough.”

Her mouth twisted sideways a bit. “Well, you haven’t. With the exception of those, um, interludes, you’ve been a complete grump. Does that not suggest the opposite of feelings, at least good ones?”

He leaned forward and braced his hands on his knees, so he and Sabrina were only a few inches apart. “I’ve got feelings, lass. And they’re bloody strong. If you had any idea just how strong, you’d turn tail and run.”

Sabrina’s lovely blue eyes popped wide, but then she mustered a pert response. “I’d bet you a bob I wouldn’t.”

He tapped her nose before straightening up. “And I’d lose that bet, God help me.”

When a cheeky little smile curled up her mouth, the band of steel around his chest gave way. Sabrina was sunshine itself, joyful and confident by nature. Graeme hated that he made her doubt herself. But sheshouldturn tail and run, because he was no damn good for her. And was it even love she felt for him? In her mind, he probably represented some sort of romantic hero, not the deeply flawed man that he really was.

“Well, then,” she said, “why have you been so . . .”


She nodded.

“Let me ask you a question first. How do you really know you have deep feelings for me?”

She scrunched up her face. “What sort of ridiculous question is that?”

“There’s nothing ridiculous about it. You’ve been a very sheltered young woman.”

“Nonsense. I’ve been running all my father’s households for years. I am no green girl, sir.”

“Managing your dear old da does not mean you know what it’s like to be in love.”

“And you do?”

“Uh . . .” She’d marched him neatly into that corner.

“So, there,” she said, rather unnecessarily, he thought.