“It would appear you’ve had a good helping of the medicine.”

“I think I deserve it after that dreadful scene,” Sabrina responded in a dignified tone.

She then turned and tripped over the hem of her dressing gown, flailing to regain her balance.

Ainsley steered her toward one of the floral armchairs by the fireplace. “Sit, pet, before you fall down.”

“Nonsense. I never do silly things like that. I’m an absolute paragon of control, and I never put a foot wrong.Everyonesays so.”

“Then you met Graeme, and it’s impossible to maintain one’s dignity around a Kendrick.”

Sabrina gratefully sank into the chair. “You seem to manage it.”

Ainsley, taking the chair opposite, raised a sardonic brow.

“All right,” Sabrina admitted. “You’re as bad as the rest of them.”

“It’s why I’m so perfect for this family. As are you, I might add.”

“Unfortunately, the only one whose opinion matters in that regard doesn’t agree.”

“Kendrick men are insanely stubborn. The term ‘jinglebrains’ was invented specifically for them.”

Despite her gloomy mood, Sabrina giggled. Obviously, she was tipsy enough to find their conversation more than slightly absurd.

Ainsley smiled. “That’s my girl. I was worried when you snuck out of the drawing room. Not Sabrina-like at all.”

“It seemed the smart thing to do at the time.”

“Graeme’s ridiculous tantrum was very upsetting for you. I was tempted to give him a good slap. Unfortunately, he managed too quick an exit.”

Sabrina wrinkled her nose. “Wise of him, given the subsequent discussion.”

“Indeed. It’s never a pretty sight when Angus and Nick go at it. But then Vicky started yelling, which is fairly rare. That sent Nick into a lather, so he ordered the rest of us upstairs to our rooms.”

“Oh, dear. Is Victoria all right? I hate the notion of upsetting her.”

“Vicky is fine. She was still ringing a peal over Nick’s head as he carted her upstairs.”

“Lord Arnprior must rue the day I showed up on his doorstep. I’ve been a great deal of trouble.”

“Darling, you’re an absolute angel compared to the rest of us. And Nick is simply overprotective. As is Graeme, I might add.”

Sabrina blew out an exasperated sigh. “I rather think he’s trying to rid himself of a bothersome female who has made his life a trial. I suppose I cannot blame him.”

Ainsley leaned forward. “Sabrina, he’s trying to get rid of you because he’s protecting you. Your little adventure tonight put a proper scare into him. Graeme is terrified you might be harmed.”

“Because the king would have a fit, as would my father,” Sabrina morosely replied. “Yes, he made that clear.”

Ainsley jabbed Sabrina’s knee. “No, silly. The poor man is besotted with you. All he can think about is getting you out of harm’s way. And in his current frazzled state, that means getting you right out of Scotland.”

That sounded cautiously hopeful. “Besotted, really? He’s certainly not acting like it.”

“Kendrick men lose their minds when they fall in love, which results in very erratic behavior.” Ainsley snorted. “And they say women are emotional. What nonsense. Men turn into wrecks when they fall in love, at least our men do.”

“That sounds quite lovely, but there’s only one problem.”

Ainsley cocked an eyebrow. “That Graeme isn’t your man? Oh, he most certainly is. Royal says he’s never seen the poor lad so rattled, and Graeme is not the sort to get rattled. In fact, he’s turned much too silent and grim since he took up this spy nonsense.”