“Not out here,” Graeme said. “Up to the drawing room, everyone.”

Henderson, as usual, had anticipated all needs and was waiting up there, drinks organized.

“I’ve ordered the tea tray, my lady,” the butler said to Vicky as he handed Graeme a hefty glass of Scotland’s finest. “I’ll bring up a basin of hot water and some cloths. Mr. Graeme’s wound needs to be cleaned.”

Graeme shook his head. “No need. It can—”

Henderson, naturally, was already halfway out the door.

“Bunch of old biddies,” Graeme muttered.

“It’s because they love you,” Sabrina said in a quiet voice. “And they worry about you.”

He glanced down at her, surprised by the comment. “They worry too much.”

She tilted her head. “Someone has to, since you clearly don’t worry about yourself.”

That cut a little too close to the bone. “Worry is a waste of time.”

She frowned. “That’s a silly—”

“Let’s get started, shall we?” he interrupted.

Her delicate jaw clenched, she allowed him to steer her to the sofa where Vicky was already ensconced.

Nick stood in front of the fireplace, arms crossed over his chest in his best laird-of-the-manor stance. “All right. Exactly what happened tonight?”

Graeme settled into an armchair, weariness dragging at his bones. God, he was tired of this. He was tired of everything.

“Do you want me to explain?” Sabrina softly asked him.

You’re not tired of her.

He smiled at her. “No, I’ll do it.”

He swiftly explained the evening’s events, with Sabrina and Royal filling in the holes. Shortly after Graeme started, Henderson came in with a basin and a few cloths. Ainsley rose to take them.

“Don’t mind me,” she said as she wet a cloth and gently wiped Graeme’s face.

Graeme paused, startled at the amount of blood on the white towel.

“Aye, ye got a right, proper knock,” Angus said.

Graeme couldn’t help but grimace. His poor family. He caused them no end of trouble and worry.

“Sorry,” he said to Nick.

His brother’s smile was wry and understanding. “It’s all right, my boy. We’ll get through it together.”

While Ainsley cleaned him up, Graeme finished relating events. His family listened with few interruptions.

“That is quite something,” Ainsley finally said. “And huzzah for you, Sabrina. You are the true heroine of the tale.”

“Don’t encourage her,” Graeme said. “The lass could have gotten herself killed.”

“Och, yer just jealous she got to do all the rescuin’,” Angus teased.

“Lady Sabrina’s bravery is commendable,” Nick said. “And we must be thankful that this unfortunate situation gave us a measure of warning.”