“Still, I’ll pay you back.”

“It’s not necessary—”

“A Kendrick always pays his debts,” Angus interrupted. “It’s part of the code.”

She frowned. “What code?”

Graeme rolled his eyes. “I haven’t a clue.”

“Ainsley will see to replacing your earbobs,” Royal added. “And we won’t take no for an answer. As annoying as my little brother is, my family would have been quite distraught if he had been injured. We owe you an enormous debt of gratitude.”

Her smile turned wry. “When you put it like that, I cannot refuse, can I?”

“You cannot,” said Graeme, “so don’t even try.”

“Grand,” said Angus. “So, just like Robbie Burns said,all’s well that ends well.”

Sabrina pressed a hand to her lips.

“That wasn’t Robbie Burns, Grandda,” Royal said.

“Aye, it was. In fact—”

“It doesn’t matter who said it,” Graeme interrupted, “because it’s not ended yet. There’s still the issue of Sabrina’s safety.”

Royal sighed. “I’d forgotten about that.”

“I certainly haven’t.” Keeping Sabrina safe was all Graeme could think about.

Angus patted his knee again. “Laddie, ye’ve got to relax and let us help ye, or yer poor head will explode from the strain.”

Fortunately, before the contents of Graeme’s brain could splatter all over the inside of the family town coach, they pulled up in front of Heriot Row. The groom opened the door, and Angus clambered out, followed by Royal.

“After you, my lady,” Graeme said.

Sabrina hesitated and then touched his hand. “All jesting aside, we need to discuss what Bill told us.”

“I’m aware,” he grimly said. “And what he said was no jest, I’m sorry to say.”

She sighed. “How annoying. Well, I suppose we’ll just have to deal with it.”

“Weare not dealing—”

Royal stuck his head in. “Are you two coming?”

Graeme followed Sabrina out, trying to ignore the throbbing behind his temples. The lass would surely be the death of him. For such a sunny, sweet-tempered woman, she could be insanely stubborn. And much too fearless. Over the years, he’d learned that a wee dose of fear was just the ticket for staying alive.

Lady Sabrina Bell? She didn’t know the meaning of the word.

The door to the house flew open. Nick loomed in the doorway, fists propped on his hips. He scowled over the heads of everyone, directing his ire right at Graeme.

“You’d best have a good explanation, laddie boy,” Nick barked. “Victoria and I had the devil of a time trying to explain to the king why you’d all disappeared. Especially Lady Sabrina.”

Ainsley appeared a moment later and shoved him aside. “Move, Nicholas.” She took Sabrina’s hand and drew her into the hall. “Are you all right, dearest?”

“I’m fine,” she said, giving Ainsley a hug. “Poor Graeme, however, is not.”

“Let me look at that cut.” Nick took Graeme by the chin, frowning with concern.