He murmured his approval, the sound vibrating through her like a bass note of pleasure. Suddenly, his mouth gentled, and the kiss grew even more sensual—slow, wet, and luscious, a promise of things to come. One kiss flowed into another, a stream of caresses that clouded her mind and turned every muscle and nerve languid with desire.

When Graeme sucked her tongue into his mouth, Sabrina found herself clinging to him like a bird clings to a branch in a winter gale. But she wanted more, much more. Moving her hands to the back of his neck, she slid her fingers through his silky, soft locks—the only soft part on that massively hard body. When she snuggled closer, he groaned into her mouth. It was a delicious sound, one that made her squirm with a need to plaster her entire body to his.

Throwing caution to the proverbial winds, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed tight, chest-to-chest. Graeme suddenly froze, as if an arctic wind had swept through his veins and turned him to a block of ice. Every part of him went stone-still.

Then he unlocked their lips and slowly retreated, or at least tried to. After all, she was attached to him like a limpet. He reached up and unhooked her arms and pulled them away. Without a word, he carefully placed her hands back on her lap. Then he turned forward, putting as much distance between them as he could. In such tight quarters, that meant they were still thigh-to-thigh, and she could feel the tension gripping his muscles.

Mystified, Sabrina stared at his grim profile. His jawline was taut as piano wire, and his high cheekbones were glazed the color of brick. He also seemed to be trying to catch his breath.

She understood, because she felt like he’d sucked all the air out of her lungs. Like her, he seemed stunned, but not in a good way.

Drat.Men were so dreadfully complicated.

“Goodness, that was rather surprising,” she said, trying to rally.

Sabrina winced at her dementedly bright tone. But she couldn’t get a read on the blasted man. Was he angry with her? True, they’d been arguing just before he had kissed her. But hehadkissed her.

“Not that surprising, but certainly inappropriate,” he gritted out, refusing to look at her. “My apologies.”

Had he truly not noticed how eagerly she’d responded to him? “Thank you, but no apology is necessary.”

When he shot her a startled look, Sabrina gave him a tentative smile. “I didn’t mind.”

“You should mind. I took advantage of you.”

“I don’t believe you did, in fact.”

He muttered under his breath as he opened the door of the hackney.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“We’ve arrived at Heriot Row, in case you failed to notice.”

She had failed to notice because he’d been kissing her with what she’d assumed was unbridled enthusiasm. His current behavior, however, showed no such enthusiasm.

“Mr. Kendrick, you’re much too—”

He all but catapulted down to the pavement.

“Blast,” she muttered.

Graeme helped her down. That’s when she noticed his neckcloth had fallen victim toherenthusiasm. His shirt had been pulled rather askew, as well.

“Oh, dear,” she weakly said.

He glanced down at her. “What’s wrong? Besides the obvious,” he added.

Rather unnecessarily, she thought.

She waved a vague finger at his chest. “You look rather, um . . .”

He glanced down and let out a sigh, then made an unsuccessful attempt at rearranging his clothing. Sabrina crinkled her nose, then paid off the coachman while Graeme silently fumed.

“Come along, you,” he said as he hustled her up the steps to the house.

“Your manner is rather disobliging, sir. I did nothing wrong.”

“I’m aware of that, my lady. The fault for this unfortunate incident is entirely mine.”